
A code generator based on reverse-polish-notation which can translate a self-defined JSON file into JAVA bean code.

Primary LanguageJava


A code generator based on reverse-polish-notation which can translate a self-defined JSON file into JAVA bean code.

The format of json file is not strict but customized. Please check the definition/json-format.json, you will see the definition.

The file example/AdResponse.json displays an example json content, and the example/AdResponse.java corresponds the output of the former json file. You can put output file in the appropriate package.

Oh, it is a toy.


1 Compile JsonToJava.java

2 run JsonToJava jsonFileFullPathName

根据逆波兰式实现了一个代码生成器,它可以将自定义的json文件翻译成java bean代码。

所用到的json文件格式不是严格的,而是根据自己的需求定制的。json格式的定义见definition/json-format.json, example/AdResponse.json 定义了一个实际使用的json例子,example/AdResponse.java是其对应的代码输出。你可以把输出文件放到合适的package中。


1 编译JsonToJava.java

2 运行JsonToJava jsonFileFullPathName