
An skeleton to create go microservices using the chiguirez ecosystem

Primary LanguageGo

Architectural notes

  • Hexagonal architecture:
    • The root of the internal package is the domain layer. Each aggregate (value objects and entities) could be a different package here
    • Application layer is formed by the different packages referring to some action or service in each aggregate, like creator or reader for example.
      • Commands and query services should live here
    • Any other package refers to the infrastructure implementation of the domain, like storage or messaging
    • IO is outside the internal package
  • Dependency injection with google wire
  • Command bus.
  • Snout


the following shows the commands

> make help

usage: make <command>

    install              - get the modules
    test                 - run all tests
    run                  - execute

to install the modules

> make install



> make run


to execute the tests

> make test
