This is the official code for DISCO: Adversarial Defense with Local Implicit Functions, accepted by NeurIPS 2022
Creating the environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate disco
cd disco
pip install --upgrade git+
pip install --upgrade git+
cd testing
python install
cd ../
All the data preparation code are inside the data_preparation folder. Follow the instruction to create clean adv training/testing pairs. By default, we use training pairs created using pgd.
cd data_preparation
Please read the shell script for more instruction. The dataset will downloaded automatically.
cd cifar10
Please read the shell script for more instruction. Download the pretrained Cifar100 WideResNet_28_10 classifier from google drive to data_preparation/cifar100/WideResNet_28_10_best.pth.tar
The dataset will downloaded automatically.
cd cifar100
Please read the shell script for more instruction. The imagenet train/imagenet val contains the imagenet training/val set, organized by the imagenet class (e.g. n04252225, n04482393, n07714990)
cd imagenet
cd training
All the disco training code are inside the training folder. Download the pretrained checkpoint from google drive and upzip it to the "training/save" folder. The below training code for each dataset in debug mode. Remove the --debug flag for full training.
The config files for training disco on cifar10 is stored under configs/cifar10.
The config files for training disco on cifar100 is stored under configs/cifar100.
The config files for training disco on imagenet is stored under configs/imagenet.
cd testing
Download Cifar10 pretrained classifiers from google drive unzip to testing/cifar10_models/state_dicts. Download Cifar100 pretrained classifiers from google drive unzip to testing/WideResNet-pytorch/runs. Link the testing/data/val to the folder that contains imagenet validation folder, organized by the imagenet class (e.g. n04252225, n04482393, n07714990)
The scripts for testing disco on cifar10 is stored under script/cifar10. Please refer to each shell script for more instruction and add debug flag to run under debug mode. To run all cifar10 experiments, run
Evaluate transformation based and adversarially trained based baselines
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/
Evaluate DISCO
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/
Measure the transfer performance for different datasets and classifiers
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/
Measure the defense transfer performance for different attacks
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/
Improving different robust classifiers with DISCO
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/
Measure the performance under bpda attack
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/
Measure the performance under bpda attack
sh scripts/cifar10/adaptive_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar10/adaptive_setting/
Measure the speed of bpda attack for both cascade disco and disco
sh scripts/cifar10/adaptive_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar10/adaptive_setting/
The scripts for testing disco on cifar100 is stored under script/cifar100. Please refer to each shell script for more instruction and add debug flag to run under debug mode. To run all cifar100 experiments, run
Evaluate transformation based and adversarially trained based baselines
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/
Evaluate DISCO
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/
Improving different robust classifiers with DISCO
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/
Measure the defense transfer performance for different attacks
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/
Measure the transfer performance for different classifiers
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/
The scripts for testing disco on imagenet is stored under script/imagenet. Please refer to each shell script for more instruction and add debug flag to run under debug mode. To run all imagenet experiments, run
Evaluate transformation based and adversarially trained based baselines
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/
Evaluate DISCO
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/
Improving different robust classifiers with DISCO
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/
Measure the defense transfer performance for different attacks
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/
Measure the transfer performance for different classifiers
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/ debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/
If you find this method useful in your research, please cite this article:
title={{DISCO}: Adversarial Defense with Local Implicit Functions},
author={Chih-Hui Ho and Nuno Vasconcelos},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
editor={Alice H. Oh and Alekh Agarwal and Danielle Belgrave and Kyunghyun Cho},
Please email to Chih-Hui (John) Ho ( if further issues are encountered. We used the code from