
Primary LanguagePython


This is the official code for DISCO: Adversarial Defense with Local Implicit Functions, accepted by NeurIPS 2022


Creating the environment

conda env create -f environment.yml 
conda activate disco
cd disco
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/BorealisAI/advertorch.git
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/fra31/auto-attack.git@6482e4d6fbeeb51ae9585c41b16d50d14576aadc#egg=autoattack
cd testing
python setup.py install
cd ../
source install.sh

Data Preparation

All the data preparation code are inside the data_preparation folder. Follow the instruction to create clean adv training/testing pairs. By default, we use training pairs created using pgd.

cd data_preparation


Please read the shell script for more instruction. The dataset will downloaded automatically.

cd cifar10
sh create_dataset.sh


Please read the shell script for more instruction. Download the pretrained Cifar100 WideResNet_28_10 classifier from google drive to data_preparation/cifar100/WideResNet_28_10_best.pth.tar

The dataset will downloaded automatically.

cd cifar100
sh create_dataset.sh


Please read the shell script for more instruction. The imagenet train/imagenet val contains the imagenet training/val set, organized by the imagenet class (e.g. n04252225, n04482393, n07714990)

cd imagenet
sh create_dataset.sh

Disco Training

cd training

All the disco training code are inside the training folder. Download the pretrained checkpoint from google drive and upzip it to the "training/save" folder. The below training code for each dataset in debug mode. Remove the --debug flag for full training.


The config files for training disco on cifar10 is stored under configs/cifar10.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh scripts/train_disco_cifar10.sh


The config files for training disco on cifar100 is stored under configs/cifar100.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh scripts/train_disco_cifar100.sh


The config files for training disco on imagenet is stored under configs/imagenet.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh scripts/train_disco_imagenet.sh

Disco Testing

cd testing

Download Pretrained Classifiers

Download Cifar10 pretrained classifiers from google drive unzip to testing/cifar10_models/state_dicts. Download Cifar100 pretrained classifiers from google drive unzip to testing/WideResNet-pytorch/runs. Link the testing/data/val to the folder that contains imagenet validation folder, organized by the imagenet class (e.g. n04252225, n04482393, n07714990)


The scripts for testing disco on cifar10 is stored under script/cifar10. Please refer to each shell script for more instruction and add debug flag to run under debug mode. To run all cifar10 experiments, run

sh run_cifar10.sh

Oblivious Setting

Evaluate transformation based and adversarially trained based baselines

sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/robustbench_baselines.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/robustbench_baselines.sh

Evaluate DISCO

sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/robustbench_disco.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/robustbench_disco.sh

Measure the transfer performance for different datasets and classifiers

sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/dataset_classfier_transfer.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/dataset_classfier_transfer.sh

Measure the defense transfer performance for different attacks

sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/defense_transfer.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/defense_transfer.sh

Improving different robust classifiers with DISCO

sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/improve_robust_classifier.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/improve_robust_classifier.sh

Measure the performance under bpda attack

sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/bpda.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar10/oblivious_setting/bpda.sh

Adaptive Setting

Measure the performance under bpda attack

sh scripts/cifar10/adaptive_setting/bpda.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar10/adaptive_setting/bpda.sh

Measure the speed of bpda attack for both cascade disco and disco

sh scripts/cifar10/adaptive_setting/bpda_speed.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar10/adaptive_setting/bpda_speed.sh


The scripts for testing disco on cifar100 is stored under script/cifar100. Please refer to each shell script for more instruction and add debug flag to run under debug mode. To run all cifar100 experiments, run

sh run_cifar100.sh

Oblivious Setting

Evaluate transformation based and adversarially trained based baselines

sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/robustbench_baselines.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/robustbench_baselines.sh

Evaluate DISCO

sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/robustbench_disco.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/robustbench_disco.sh

Improving different robust classifiers with DISCO

sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/improve_robust_classifier.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/improve_robust_classifier.sh

Measure the defense transfer performance for different attacks

sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/defense_transfer.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/defense_transfer.sh

Measure the transfer performance for different classifiers

sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/classfier_transfer.sh debug
sh scripts/cifar100/oblivious_setting/classfier_transfer.sh


The scripts for testing disco on imagenet is stored under script/imagenet. Please refer to each shell script for more instruction and add debug flag to run under debug mode. To run all imagenet experiments, run

sh run_imagenet.sh                                                                                                                                                         

Evaluate transformation based and adversarially trained based baselines

sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/robustbench_baselines.sh debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/robustbench_baselines.sh

Evaluate DISCO

sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/robustbench_disco.sh debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/robustbench_disco.sh

Improving different robust classifiers with DISCO

sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/improve_robust_classifier.sh debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/improve_robust_classifier.sh

Measure the defense transfer performance for different attacks

sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/defense_transfer.sh debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/defense_transfer.sh

Measure the transfer performance for different classifiers

sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/classfier_transfer.sh debug
sh scripts/imagenet/oblivious_setting/classfier_transfer.sh


If you find this method useful in your research, please cite this article:

title={{DISCO}: Adversarial Defense with Local Implicit Functions},
author={Chih-Hui Ho and Nuno Vasconcelos},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
editor={Alice H. Oh and Alekh Agarwal and Danielle Belgrave and Kyunghyun Cho},


Please email to Chih-Hui (John) Ho (chh279@eng.ucsd.edu) if further issues are encountered. We used the code from

  1. https://github.com/yinboc/liif
  2. https://github.com/RobustBench/robustbench
  3. https://github.com/BorealisAI/advertorch
  4. https://github.com/thu-ml/ares