
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

React native LINE

iOS and Android Native wrapper for Line's MobileSDK.


  • React native 0.48.+.
  • LineSDK iOS 5.0.0 and Android 4.0.8.


First, install the npm package and link it to your Android and iOS projects with react-native link.

  npm install react-native-line-sdk
  react-native link react-native-line-sdk

iOS Setup

Follow all the configuration steps in Line's iOS integration guide

Android Setup

  1. Follow all the configuration steps in Line's Android integration guide
  2. Add the string line_channel_id to your strings file with the the channel id that you have on your line console.
<string name="line_channel_id" translatable="false">Your channel id here</string>
  1. Download the line Android SDK here and save it on a new folder named libs under your app folder on your android project.
  2. Add the following to your app's build.gradle:
repositories {
    flatDir {
        dirs 'libs'


First, require the LineLogin module:

import LineLogin from 'react-native-line-sdk'

Then, you can start using all the functions that are available:

  1. login = () => Promise<{Profile, AccessToken}>: Starts the login flow of Line's SDK (Opens the apps if it's installed and defaults to the browser otherwise.)`

  2. loginWithPermissions = (permissions) => Promise<{Profile, AccessToken}>: iOS ONLY Works as the login function but you can provide custom permissions settings.

  3. currentAccessToken = () => Promise<AccessToken>: Returns the current access token for the currently logged in user.

  4. getUserProfile = () => Promise<Profile>: Returns the profile of the currently logged in user.

  5. logout = () => Promise<Void>: Logs out the currently logged in user.


    .then((user) => {
    .catch((err) => {

Return values

The following objects are returned on the methods described above:

  1. Profile:
  displayName: String,
  userID: String,
  statusMessage: String,
  pictureURL: String?,
  1. AccessToken:
  accessToken: String,
  expirationDate: String,


To see more of react-native-line-sdk in action you can check out the source in the example folder.



react-native-line-sdk is available under the MIT license. See the LICENCE file for more info.