
[Closed] An online vaccine tracker which give you more convenient than finding a vaccine book.

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status codecov

Vacseen is an online tracker that gives user help related to basic vaccines such as type of vaccine, suggestions according to user's gender and age such as that a 1-month old newborn baby needs to take the second dose of Hepatitis B. And also notifies the user if he/she needs to get the vaccine again. It is accessible anywhere and anytime through the “Internet”, which is surely more convenient than carrying or finding a vaccine book.

Team Members

Name Roles GitHub
Chanachida Fuachai Scrum Master, Developer llleyelll
Sirikorn Songsaengthong Developer Sirikonss
Sivanat Subpaisarn Developer tiemfah

Project Documents


  • Python 3.7+
  • Heroku CLI
  • Google OAuth API
  • Local environment variable (Please ask project owner for the environment variables.)

Get started (run locally)

  1. Clone the repository and change directory to vacseen directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/llleyelll/vacseen.git && cd vacseen/
  1. Create virtualenv in the directory and activate virtualenv.
$ virtualenv venv

On MacOS and Linux:

$ source venv/bin/activate

On Windows:

$ venv\Scripts\activate
  1. Install all dependencies and then run database migrations by the following commands.
(venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) python manage.py migrate
(venv) python manage.py loaddata vaccine/fixtures/vaccine.json
  1. Create superuser
(venv) python manage.py createsuperuser
  1. Run server
(venv) python manage.py runserver --insecure
  1. Add and configure Google credential in after starting the server.
  • In Site -> set your domain field to match your domain (example. '')
  • In Social -> set your provider as Google, fill your Client id and Secret key.
  1. Exit the virtualenv when done. Have fun!
(venv) deactivate