This directory is for c source code files given by alx school of software engineering

C is a portable language tha can be used for various purposes which includes
* embeded systems 
* it helps to understand system architecture
* for helps for memory management 

Used in many tech industries 

Directories in this repository includes 0x00-hello_world 0x01-variables_if_else_while 0x02-functions_nested_loops 0x03-debugging 0x04-more_functions_nested_loops 0x05-pointers_arrays_strings 0x06-pointers_arrays_strings 0x07-pointers_arrays_strings 0x08-recursion 0x09-static_libraries 0x0A-argc_argv. 0x0D-preprocessor 0x0F-function_pointers 0x10-variadic_functions 0x12-singly_linked_lists 0x13-more_singly_linked_lists 0x14-bit_manipulation 0x15-file_io This directory covers the hello world project and some implementations using shell scripting. Given by alx.

The use exploration C is the understanding of System architecture