
Andela Developer Challenge Cycle 40 Bootcamp Project - Questioner​ helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability Test Coverage

Questioner​ helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered.

Technology Stack

  • NodeJs - Web Server.
  • ExpressJs - Server framework.
  • Babel - ES6 Javascript compiler.
  • Eslint - Javascript code and syntax linter (Airbnb style guide was implemented on this project).
  • Postgres - Relational database system.

Testing tools

  • Mocha - Javascript Test Framework.
  • Chai - Javascript Assertion Library.
  • Istanbul - Javascript test coverage tool.
  • NYC - Istanbul's command line interface.
  • Postman - Testing API endpoints.


  1. Clone this repo with git clone https://github.com/chikeozulumba/questioner-andela-bootcamp.git, install dependencies with npm install.
  2. Run npm test.
  3. To run server, execute npm start
  4. Ensure to set all required environment variables, for example

    PG_HOST=... PG_DB=epilznyu PG_PASSWORD=H1fy_z9mo8ibwHlQKPfiwIHf-IMlXihw PG_USER=epilznyu JWT_SIGN_SECRET_KEY="AndelaEPIC2019"


Project is managed Pivotal Tracker.

Front End Pages

Front End Pages were hosted using Github pages 👉 https://chikeozulumba.github.io/questioner-andela-bootcamp/UI

API Deployment

API endpoints was hosted using Heroku 👉 https://questioner-andela.herokuapp.com/api/v1/


Questioner REST API is highly detailed and easy to integrate with its documentation available at 👉 https://questioner-andela.herokuapp.com/docs/


Chike Ozulumba