
Simple data-integration pipeline for twitter feed and knowledge graphs.

Primary LanguageScala


Simple data-integration pipeline for twitter feeds and knowledge graphs. Using Kafka, this demo will demonstrate how any Twitter feed can be automatically enriched, ether to produce an enriched tweet itself or any other object. For the purpose of enrichment I have chosen a simple named-entity-recognition framework called DBpedia Spotlight to enrich tweets with NER annotations, pointing out Wikipedia pages associated with the recognized concept. Any other enrichment data is conceivable as well. For demonstration purposes I use the Url annotations of the Twitter API to highlight the recognized surface form as a link to the Wikipedia page.

Kafka together with Zookeeper as well as Spotlight are Docker based executions and are prerequisite for this demo.



While this is just a demo project, this is not a simple happy path implementation. Yet, this is noz in a production-ready state.