
This is calendar app that used Ruby on Rails, Fullcalendar and Stimulus.js

Primary LanguageRuby

Calendar Event Manager

This is a simple calendar event manager built with Ruby on Rails. It allows users to create, edit, and delete events. It also allows users to view events in a calendar view. This application uses Hotwire/Stimulus for the front-end and PostgreSQL for the database. We setup UUIDs for the database to avoid exposing the primary key IDs to the user.

Requirements and Dependencies

  • Ruby 3.1.0
  • Rails 7.0.5
  • Hotwire/Stimulus
  • Tailwind CSS
  • PostgreSQL
  • RSpec
  • FullCalendar
  • Devise


  • Clone the repository
  • Run bundle install
  • Run rails db:create
  • Run rails db:migrate
  • Run ./bin/dev # This will start the server and webpack-dev-server
  • Open localhost:3000 in your browser


  • Run rspec