A paper/report/poster/presentation package template using ieeetran, sigchi, acm-sig-alternate, baposter and beamer. Modules share figures and bibliography.
For example outputs, see the output/
Tested with TeX Live 2015. Beamer video playback tested with Okular 0.24.2 on KDE 4.14.16.
Here are the current modules:
- paper-ieeetran: A IEEEtran conference paper template, built with pdflatex. Requires the IEEEtran package.
- paper-sigchi: The official 2016 SIGCHI proceedings paper template, built with pdflatex.
- paper-acm-sig-alternate: ACM conference proceedings template (may not adhere to SIG proceedings styles), built with pdflatex.
- paper-llncs2e: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) LaTeX 2e format, built with pdflatex.
- poster: A baposter poster template, built with pdflatex.
- poster-nccr: NCCR poster template as an SVG, built with inkscape. Requires inkscape.
- presentation-simple: A simple beamer presentation template, including in-frame video playback, built with lualatex.
- presentation-hri: An HRI-themed beamer presentation template, including in-frame video playback, built with lualatex. Thanks to SĂ©verin Lemaignan and Benjamin Weiss for the style.
More template modules will be added with different styles.
In the root directory, run
Important note: Custom fonts are used in presentation-simple and presentation-hri; LaTeX will index these fonts the first time these documents are built. Delays up to several minutes can occur.
In the root directory, run
make output
This will copy all the output PDFs and videos from the build directories to the output/
directory in the root.