
A simple shopping cart application using AngularJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple shopping cart application built in AngularJS

###Demo https://www2.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~ltc98u/RespositoryImg/shopping-cart-1.png https://www2.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~ltc98u/RespositoryImg/shopping-cart-2.png https://www2.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~ltc98u/RespositoryImg/shopping-cart-3.png

###The following techniques are employed in this repository:

  • $http to get data from json
  • ng-repeat to show data
  • $filter to filter data
  • Routing to switch between pages(or views, components)
  • abstract Service to deal with shared data and logic
  • $cookies to store shopping list in browser


Step 1. Use git or browser to clone this repository.

Step 2. Download and install Node.js https://nodejs.org/en/

Step 3. In command line, enter the folder of this application, and install dependencies.

``` npm install ```

Step 4. Run this application.

``` npm run ```