
html app playpen on goog app eng

Primary LanguageHTML


Playing with Codenvy and GoogAppEng to build static website all online, initially using HF jQuery exercises

Oh dear, Codenvy dropped my code just because I stayed offline for a year. Not to worry, cloud chile, gcloud offers me a script to grab it from GAE! I just asked it like so: google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/appcfg.py -A staticwebtest download_app ./gae-static-web

Now that the kids are alright, we want to fold in the "SimpleQuiz" learnexample from FlameTree books' pretty little "Coding Javascript" beginner guide.

And moreso, we might like to spoof this little html compendium playfolder with both the php and python "sheeps clothing" files that allow us to host static html apps on heroku(php) and on gae(py).

  • for hosting under the GAE python aegis we need some yaml config
  • for the heroku goodness, we must be php
  • I don't think these will be mutually exclusive
  • but then again when do i think? I just experimint.