
A custom horizontal pod autoscaler for Kubernetes deployments

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Build 1.16.8 Build 1.17.6 Go Report Card


The sane Kubernetes HPA

sanepa checks pod resource usage against deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.resources.limits values and will scale up and down when a given percentage of pods are above or below a set threshold.

This project follows AWS EKS releases.


I try my best to keep up with AWS EKS, not the upstream Kubernetes project.

The master branch has tested compatability with Kubernets 1.15.7.

Branches are semver'd to match EKS releases (aside from master, of course).

Because the Kubernetes project moves so quickly, I don't intend on making updates to older SanePA versions once I've released updates for a newer Kubernetes version.


You can find Kubernetes examples in examples/k8s/.

Do not run multiple SanePA deployments that watch the same deployment.

SanePA has a very small footprint, so resource consumption shouldn't be a concern.

You can find Docker images here


sanepa runs its checks every 40 seconds. You should take that into consideration when setting -cooldown and -scaledownok arg values.

If you manually scale a deployment, sanepa will not try to scale it back down until it reaches another scaling event.


-incluster: Defaults to true. Set -incluster=false to run outside of cluster. Defaults to true.

-ns: The namespace to check pods and deployments. Defaults to "".

-dep: The deployment name to check. Set to none to skip checking deployments. Defaults to "".

-cpu: The percentage of the container CPU limit to scale on. If your container has a limit of 100m and you set this -cpu=10, a scaling event will occur when a container hits 10 mCPU. Defaults to 50.

-mem: Same idea as CPU. Defaults to 70.

-max: The maximum number of replicas in the deployment. Defaults to 5.

-min: The minimum number of replicas in the deployment. Defaults to 1.

-cooldown: How much time should pass after a scale up event before checking again. If your application takes 90 seconds to start, you should set this to at least 90. Defaults to 30.

-scaledownok: How many times must all pods be under thresholds before scaling down. Defaults to 3.

-scaleupok: How many times must a pod be above thresholds before scaling up. Defaults to 2.

-gl-enabled: Enable logging to Graylog. Defaults to false.

-gl-server: IP:PORT of Graylog server. Defaults to "". Required if -gl-enabled is true.

-breachpercentthreshold: Percent of pods that must be breaching a threshold in order to scale. Example: If -breachpercentthreshold=25, 25% of pods must be breaching for scaleupok periods. Likewise, less than 25% of pods must be below memory and CPU thresholds for scaledownok periods.

-listen: Port for web server to listen on. Currently the web server only has a healtcheck endpoint and a metrics endpoint for Prometheus


  • Handle all memory and CPU suffixes
    • Memory details in kubectl explain PodMetrics.containers.usage