
The open-source project for "Mandheling: Mixed-Precision On-Device DNN Training with DSP Offloading"[MobiCom'2022]

Primary LanguageC


This repo is an open-source project for Mandheling: Mixed-Precision On-Device DNN Training with DSP Offloading. It contains two part: exection engine and the Hexagon DSP backend.

execution-engine build

  • For Android users.
    cd execution-engine
    cd project/android

    mkdir Train_64
    cd Train_64

Hexagon DSP backend build

The Hexagon DSP backend is dependent on Hexagon SDK, so users should first install the SDK, and then replace the hexagon_nn in libs/hexagon_nn/ Follow the README in SDK to build the hexagon nn dynamic link library --- libhexagon_nn_skel.so.

After installing Hexagon DSP SDK, you can use the following instructions to build the libhexagon_nn_skel.so

cd Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/
source setup_sdk_env.source 
cd examples/hexagon_nn/
source setup_hexagon_nn.source
cd tutorials/
make tree VERBOSE=1 V=hexagon_ReleaseG_dynamic_toolv83_v66 V66=1

cd hexagon_ReleaseG_dynamic_toolv83_v66/ship

You can find the libhexagon_nn_skel.so inside this directory.

Run the Mnist test

  1. Push the execution engine to device
cd execution-engine/project/android/Train_64
echo 0 >> DSP.txt
echo 0 >> parallel.txt

adb push ../Train_64 /data/local/tmp/
  1. Push the hexagon libraries
adb push  libhexagon_nn_skel.so /data/local/tmp/Train_64
adb push  libhexagon_interface_arm64.so /data/local/tmp/Train_64
  1. Push Mnist dataset
adb push MNIST_data /data/local/tmp/
  1. Run Mnist test
  • FP32 Test
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/Train_64/
cd /data/local/tmp/Train_64/
cp tools/train/libMNNTrain.so .
./runTrainDemo.out MnistTrain ../MNIST_data/

  • CPU Int8 Test
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/Train_64/
cd /data/local/tmp/Train_64/
cp tools/train/libMNNTrain.so .
./runTrainDemo.out NITIInt8Train ../MNIST_data/

  • DSP Int8 Test
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/Train_64/
cd /data/local/tmp/Train_64/
cp tools/train/libMNNTrain.so .
./runTrainDemo.out NITIDSPInt8Train ../MNIST_data/