
Programming language based off of 4D Rubiks cube logic

Primary LanguageJava

Rubik's Programming Language

Programming language based on Rubik's cubes that operates on a 2D plane with 3D storage. Currently based on a 2x2

RPL Opcodes

These are 3 character control codes that let you do things

Stack Functions

OPCODE Definition Usage Implemented
PUS Push defined value to stack PUS 000000000 Cube.PUS()
POP Pop top value from stack POP Cube.POP()
POF Pop top value, move forward POF No
POB Pop top value, move backward POB No
POL Pop top value, move left POL No
POR Pop top value, move right POR No

Print Functions

OPCODE Definition Usage Implemented
PRN Print top value of stack as ASCII PRN No
PRB Print top value of stack as Binary PRB No
PRD Print top value of stack as Decimal PRD No

General Functions

OPCODE Definition Usage Implemented
EXT Immediately exit the program EXT No
CID Check if there's a value on top of the stack CID No
JUT Jump to defined line if false, continue if true JUT 000 CID No
RET Return to last JUT RET No


OPCODE Definition Usage Implemented
ADD Add first number by second number, push result to top of stack ADD 000 101 Interpreter.parseLine()
SUB Subtract first number by second number, push result to top of stack SUB 000 101 Interpreter.parseLine()
MUL Multiply first number by second number, push result to top of stack MUL 000 101 Interpreter.parseLine()
DIV Divide first number by second number, push result to top of stack DIV 000 101 Interpreter.parseLine()
NEG Perform a binary negate on top value, push result to top of stack NEG 010 No


OPCODE Definition Usage Implemented
OPF Move the pointer forward OPF No
OPB Move the pointer backward OPB No
OPL Move the pointer left OPL No
OPR Move the pointer right OPR No

Rubik's Notation

OPCODE Definition Usage Implemented
MOV L Move left face clockwise MOV L No
MOV R Move right face clockwise MOV R No
MOV F Move front face clockwise MOV F No
MOV B Move back face clockwise MOV B No
MOV T Move top face clockwise MOV T Cube.MOV()
MOV D Move bottom face clockwise MOV D No
MOV LN Move left face counterclockwise MOV LN No
MOV RN Move left face counterclockwise MOV RN No
MOV FN Move left face counterclockwise MOV FN No
MOV BN Move left face counterclockwise MOV BN No
MOV TN Move left face counterclockwise MOV TN Cube.MOV()
MOV DN Move left face counterclockwise MOV DN No

Interpreter / Language Rules

[line number] [operator] [operator arguments]

  • Each line to be executed needs a line number
  • Any line without a line number is interpreted as a comment
  • All data values are represented as 9 character long binary strings with the first number reserved as negate
  • All line redirects are 3 digit long integers
  • Each cell contains a stack, each stack can contain 64 values
  • The working face is composed of 4 cells labeled 000, 001, 010, 011 in left > right, top > down order. Make the first digit a 1 to call the negate of the stored value
  • The cube has to be in a solved state for the code to execute



The four cells are represented by binary numbers 0-3 in a three digit binary number. The first digit is reserved as a negate, 0 for the value as is or 1 to negate the value.

  • ADD 010 100 (this will add cell 1 to the negative of cell 0)
  • SUB 010 100 (this will subtract the negative of cell 0 by cell 1)
  • MUL 010 100 (this will multiply cell 1 by the negative of cell 0)
  • DIV 010 100 (this will divide the negative of cell 0 by cell 1)

Code Examples

Hello World

VER 1.0
001 PUS 001000100 // D
002 PUS 001001100 // L
003 PUS 001010010 // R
004 PUS 001001111 // O
005 PUS 001010111 // W
006 PUS 000100000 // Space
007 PUS 001001111 // O
008 PUS 001001100 // L
009 PUS 001001100 // L
010 PUS 001000110 // E
011 PUS 001010000 // H

This function checks if theres data on the current stack,
prints the top value as ascii if there is any and skips
the loop if the stack is empty. Easy way to print prestored

012 JUT 015 CID
013 PRN
014 RET