
This django project is a continuation of the musicapp project

Primary LanguagePython


  • use rm -r -Force .git

Create a virtual environment

  • Create a virtual environment by running the command, mkdir <project_name> to create project folder
  • cd into the project folder cd <project_folder>
  • run virtualenv <env_name> to create environment cd into the environment and run <env_name>\Scripts\activate to activate the virtual environment

Install django in the environment

  • run the command, pip install django to install django
  • You can run, django-admin --version to check the installation

Creating Django project

  • run the command, django-admin startproject <project_name> to create a django project
  • a new folder with the name you have choosen will have appeared in the project directory
  • cd into the project directory To start server run the command, python manage.py runserver.

Creating the musicapp application

  • run the command, python manage.py startapp <your_app_name. remember the server has to be running
  • add the musicapp to the list of installed app in settings.py To access the admin endpoint, magration has to be applied.
  • run the command, python manage.py migrate to apply migration.
  • go to <ip_address:port/admin> to access the login page.

To create a user

  • run the command, python manage.py createsuperuser Follow the prompt to provide username, email_address and password. The credentials can then be used to login to the musicapp admin page.

Create requirements.txt file

While your virtualenv is active, run pip freeze > requirements.txt. This will generate a .txt file with the list of packages required to run this project.

  • to install the requirement.txt contents run, pip install -r requirement.txt

Configure urls and render views

  • Open the musicapp/urls.py and create url path to be rendered by the view
  • add the path, path('', views.index, name="index") to the 'urlpatterns' list. Don't forget to import views .(the same directory)
  • goto views.py file and create your view. In my case, I simply returned an HttpResponse
  • goto into songcrud/urls.py and update it to render our musicapp view
  • import include
  • then do, path('', include('musicapp.urls'))
  • save and refresh the homepage.

Creating Template files

  • create a folder templates in the songcrud django project directory
  • go to setting.py and add directory to the templates in the TEMPLATES list
  • in the templates folder, create your index.html file
  • in views.py, you can instead return render
  • follow the steps to add any additional 'html' you intend to include

Seperate template files

  • create a main.html file that will contain the boilerplate of html that other templates will extend from
  • create a navbar.html file too so we can seperate it from main.
  • add this block in the body of the main.html, {% include 'navbar.html' %} this tells django to include navbar in this location
  • add this block
    {% endblock %}```, it is recognized by django and markups will be added.
  • also include {% extends 'main.html' %} block to other template viles that you want them to inherit the main.html content.

Styling our templates

I used bootstrap.

  • google bootstrap navbar
  • copy the styling you like and paste into navbar.html file and save.
  • get the css file as well, you can paste this in the main.html file and every other template will still inherit it.
  • if you want to get a dark navbar, change navbar-dark bg-dark on the first line of the html, where you have 'light' to dark.
  • copy the js link from bootstrap and paste in the bottom section of the main.html, to add action to the navbar.

Adding Static files

The static folder is where we store our css, js and media files including the images and videos

  • create a folder static in the songcrud django project directory
  • in it create 3 other folders named css, image, and js
  • in the css folder a main.css file
  • write your main css file here.
  • to link it to your template, first tell django that it exist by going to the settings.py file
  • scroll down to where you have STATIC_URL = ... and add this line of code STATICFILES_DIRS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),)
  • add MEDIA_URL = 'image/' to reference media files
  • remember to import 'os' at the top
    • Linking Static Files

    • add {% load static %} at the top of every template file you want to import a static file
    • then a static file is linked using the link in this format, <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/main.css' %}">
    • to link media file use the img tag in this format <img src="{% static "image/logo.jpg" %}" class="logo">
    • use the a link tag <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'index' %}">Home<span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a> to link a clickable link to a page.

Model Creation

A model refers to a table in the database and it is defined by defining class and attributes. The class attributes represent the table columns.

  • in the models.py file, define the classes Artiste, Song, and Lyric
  • add the following attributes to the Artiste class: first_name, last_name, age
  • remember that django automatically adds the id but you can def this as well
  • to manually define the id import uuid and use the UUIDField()
  • add the following attributes to the Artiste class: title, date released, likes, artiste_id
  • add the following attributes to the Artiste class: content, song_id
    • Tables Relationship

    • the table Song has a one-to-many relationship with the table Artiste
    • this means that an Artiste can have many songs but a Song should have only one Artiste
    • to specify this, the FereignKey() used, artiste_id = models.ForeignKey(Artiste, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
    • and this will serve as the artiste_id attr of the Song class.
    • the on_delete=models.SET_NULL tells django to leave the song if the artist is deleted, you can use 'CASCADE' which will delete the song too or 'PROTECTED'
    • run python manage.py makemigrations to create migration file out of this model
    • run python manage.py migrate to apply this migration. this will create the required tables in our db.
    • visit the '/admin' page to view.
    • run python manage.py migrate musicapp zero to reset migration or `python manage.py migrate <app_name> <migration_file_num_code> to undo that particular migration.

Hiding Sensitive Data using Environment Variable

  • run pip install django-dotenv
  • do from dotenv import load_dotenvin the settings.py file
  • below your import; Initialise environment variables by doing:
  • load_dotenv()
  • create '.env' file in the same directory as settings.py
  • Declare your environmental variables here, don't wrap the values with quotation mark.
  •     SECRET_KEY=h^z13$qr_s_wd65@gnj7a=xs7t05$w7q8!x_8zsld#
  • since using sqlite3 this is what i did:
  • and in the settings file, I referenced it thus:
  •     DATABASES = {
        ‘default’: {
        ‘ENGINE’: ‘django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2’,
        ‘NAME’: 'NAME': BASE_DIR / str(os.getenv('DATABASE_NAME')),
        <!-- ‘USER’: env(‘DATABASE_USER’),
        ‘PASSWORD’: env(‘DATABASE_PASS’), -->
  • add the .env file to .gitignore using relative path

Visit Click to see more files to add to .gitignore

Querrying the Database

  • run the command, python manage.py shell to provide interactive shell
  • do from musicapp.models import * to import all our models
  • query commands:
  • artistes = Artiste.objects.all()
    artiste = Artiste(first_name="Zoro", last_name="Swagbagz", age=31) *the id is added by django*
    print(artistes.first()) *note that objects are returne FILO and not FIFO*
    artiste1 = Artiste.objects.get(first_name="Burna") *.get() returns only one item*
    songs = artiste1.song_set.all()  *returns a list of all songs by artist1*
    *say we want to know which artiste own the first song in Song*
    song = Song.objects.first()
    lyrics = Lyric.objects.filter()
    artiste2 = Artiste.objects.filter(first_name="Zoro", age=30)
    artiste1 = Artiste.objects.all().order_by('age') *order the artistes by there age*
    artiste1 = Artiste.objects.all().order_by('-age') *reverses the ordering*