
This project introduces you to pip, virtual environment(virtualenv), django and then went further to create real-world project

Primary LanguagePython


Create a virtual environment

  • Create a virtual environment by running the command, mkdir <project_name> to create project folder
  • cd into the project folder cd <project_folder>
  • run virtualenv <env_name> to create environment cd into the environment and run <env_name>\Scripts\activate to activate the virtual environment

Install django in the environment

  • run the command, pip install django to install django
  • You can run, django-admin --version to check the installation

Creating Django project

  • run the command, django-admin startproject <project_name> to create a django project
  • a new folder with the name you have choosen will have appeared in the project directory
  • cd into the project directory To start server run the command, python manage.py runserver.

Creating the musicapp application

  • run the command, python manage.py startapp <your_app_name. remember the server has to be running
  • add the musicapp to the list of installed app in settings.py To access the admin endpoint, magration has to be applied.
  • run the command, python manage.py migrate to apply migration.
  • go to <ip_address:port/admin> to access the login page.

To create a user

  • run the command, python manage.py createsuperuser Follow the prompt to provide username, email_address and password. The credentials can then be used to login to the musicapp admin page.

Create requirements.txt file

While your virtualenv is active, run pip freeze > requirements.txt. This will generate a .txt file with the list of packages required to run this project.

  • to install the requirement.txt contents run, pip install -r requirement.txt

Configure urls and render views

  • Open the musicapp/urls.py and create url path to be rendered by the view
  • add the path, path('', views.index, name="index") to the 'urlpatterns' list
  • goto views.py file and create your view. In my case, I simply returned an HttpResponse
  • goto into songcrud/urls.py and update it to render our musicapp view
  • import include
  • then do, path('', include('musicapp.urls'))
  • save and refresh the homepage.

Creating Template files

  • create a folder templates in the root directory
  • go to setting.py and add directory to the templates in the TEMPLATES list
  • in the templates folder, create your index.html file
  • in views.py, you can instead return render