
Google Cloud DevOps Project: Deploying a Live Weather App on Cloud Run

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Google Cloud DevOps Project: Deploying a Live Weather App on Cloud Run

Within this repository, you'll discover the essential source code and deployment files needed to orchestrate a live weather app on Cloud Run using Docker. 🌐🚀


In this project, I'll walk you through building a Python weather app, containerizing it with Docker, and deploying it on Cloud Run. We'll leverage the OpenWeather API for live weather updates! 🐍🌦️ Moreover, the entire process will be automated with a CI/CD pipeline using Google Cloud Build! 🚀

Key Highlights

  • 🐍 Developed the application using Python.
  • 🌐 Integrated the robust OpenWeather API for precise and current weather information.
  • 📦 Deployed the app on Google Cloud Run as a Container.
  • ☁️ Automated the entire CI/CD pipeline seamlessly with Google Cloud Build and GitHub.

Tools and Technology

  • Docker: 🐳
  • Cloud Run: ☁️
  • GitHub: 🐙
  • Python: 🐍
  • Google Cloud Build: 🛠️
  • OpenWeather API: 🌦️


Feel free to dive in, explore the code, and follow along with the blog for a comprehensive understanding of deploying a live weather app on Google Cloud using DevOps practices!

Please refer below youtube video to deploy this weather-app on Google Cloud Run. https://youtu.be/jyuz0vfrFps