

Under development, check the dev branch for current code and master for releases (to be announced).

what it is

QGProScan stands for Qt's GeoProfile Scanner and this is useful to scan geotechnical profiles. You read an image of a geotechnical profile, define the limits, draw the line representing the soillayers, define the soiltypes, add a shapefile with the route of the profile and QGProScan will export the soillayers in a csv file that can be processed by (for example) GIS.


so why is this useful?

Nothing better than using a geotechnical profile for a deterministic soil model. If you scan the soil layers with QGProScan you store a lot of (geographically storeable) information in csv files. One useful example is to use this to generate soil models for calculation software on any location.

can I use it

Yes, you can but don't expect support (unless you pay) and don't expect maintenance (unless you pay).. a bit harsh but you should see the mails one gets even if your software is open source..

And if you use this software for your own projects be nice and tell me and don't be an ass and close source any code I have written.


You can reach me at breinbaasnl@gmail.com or info@breinbaas.nl