
In this app i'm going to make: A weather app will display weather data from the API like this: an icon that represents the current weather status, the temperature value (18°C) in Celsius units, the weather description (clear sky), and finally the user’s city and country (London, GB).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real-time weather application

This project is aweather application that gets information about the weather from an exterm=nal API and displays it for the user. It also pinpoints the users location using a geolocator so they are able to know the weather details of any place they may be.


Getting Started

  • Clone the repo.
  • run npm install to download the necessary modules.
  • run npm start to load the proj


  • Make sure you have node installed on your local machine.
  • html and css code editor like Vscode or Vim.

Built With

  • Html
  • CSS
  • Javascript


👤 ** Chimwemwe Mkandawire **

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Miroverse Inc

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.