Flutter implementation of Microsoft Azure Cognitive Text-To-Speech API.
Initialise the framework with your Region and Subscription key
subscriptionKey: "YOUR SUBSCRIPTION KEY",
region: "YOUR REGION",
withLogs: true); // enable logs
Get the list of all available voices. And pick a voice to read the text.
// Get available voices
final voicesResponse = await AzureTts.getAvailableVoices() as VoicesSuccess;
//Pick a Neural voice
final voice = voicesResponse.voices.where((element) =>
element.voiceType == "Neural" && element.locale.startsWith("en-"))
.toList(growable: false)[0];
Request audio file.
final text = "Microsoft Speech Service Text-to-Speech API";
TtsParams params = TtsParams(
voice: voice,
audioFormat: AudioOutputFormat.audio16khz32kBitrateMonoMp3,
rate: 1.5, // optional prosody rate (default is 1.0)
text: text);
final ttsResponse = await AzureTts.getTts(params) as AudioSuccess;