
MeetDent is a dentist appointment scheduling application. It has two side which are patient and clinic sides.

For patients, they have steps like this:

  1. Access to the Facebook page. Click to chat with the page.
  2. Get welcome message. It will show action buttons.
  3. Click “นัดหมอ” button. It will navigate to “Meet Dent” website.
  4. For a new user, it require that user to register to the system first.
  5. Click “จอง”. It has clinic to select.
  6. Select treatment. click “ต่อไป”
  7. Select dentist, date and time slot. click “ต่อไป”
  8. It will show detail to confirm appointment. click “ตกลง”
  9. Appointment will create and can check in messenger.

Other appointments, patient cannot do three things:

  1. Check appointment history, they can view appointment that they can do before.
  2. Check treatment history, they can know what tooth of them that cured by dentist before.
  3. Check calendar, they can view appointment in calendar view.

For clinics, they can use MeetDent application by:

  1. Entering to this website. It requires login of each clinic.
  2. It is six menus for clinic for appointment managing.
  • Appointment status, clinic can manage appointment status and add treatment report of the patient.
  • Work Time table, clinic can manage slots based on work hours of each dentist in the clinic.
  • Patient, clinic can view patient profile and add a new patient to system.
  • Making an Appointment, clinic can make appointment for patient by themselve.
  • Dentist Information, clinic can add, update, delete and remove the dentists. The dentist information are name, telephone number and treatments that each dentist can do.
  • Dentist Work table, clinic can work table of each dentist.

For testing clinic

Username Password
clinic1 clinic1