This is the source repo for MoPAT Design Project under Dr. Gaurav Trivedi, EEE Department, IITG.
- Create new directory and move in: mkdir -p ~/mopat_ws/src -> cd ~/mopat_ws/src
- Copy mopat_pkg from MoPAT_Design/ROS2 to src
- Clone ros2-perception, specifically for CvBridge package: git clone
- Checkout to ros2 branch: cd vision_opencv -> git checkout ros2
- Install all dependencies
- Build the pacakges: colcon build --symlink-install
To run simulation: ros2 launch mopat_pkg sim_launch
To run main system: ros2 launch mopat_pkg main_launch
To run individual nodes: ros2 run mopat_pkg <node_name>
NB: For more details on CvBridge:
- Go to opt/ros/dashing/lib/python3.6/site-packages/launch/actions
- Open the file "execute process" as admin (sudo)
- Find "emulate_tty=False" in the file and set it to "emulate_tty=True"
This would get the INFO logger output when using launch files
Based on - ros2/launch#188