
Repo for the "Motion Planning Algorithms Testbed" Project

Primary LanguagePython


This is the source repo for MoPAT Design Project under Dr. Gaurav Trivedi, EEE Department, IITG.

For this one, install ROS2 Dashing

Running ROS2 package(still in development)

NB: -> represents next command, not in the same line

  1. Create new directory and move in: mkdir -p ~/mopat_ws/src -> cd ~/mopat_ws/src
  2. Copy mopat_pkg from MoPAT_Design/ROS2 to src
  3. Clone ros2-perception, specifically for CvBridge package: git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv.git
  4. Checkout to ros2 branch: cd vision_opencv -> git checkout ros2
  5. Install all dependencies
  6. Build the pacakges: colcon build --symlink-install

To run simulation: ros2 launch mopat_pkg sim_launch

To run main system: ros2 launch mopat_pkg main_launch

To run individual nodes: ros2 run mopat_pkg <node_name>

NOTE: To get logger output-
  1. Go to opt/ros/dashing/lib/python3.6/site-packages/launch/actions
  2. Open the file "execute process" as admin (sudo)
  3. Find "emulate_tty=False" in the file and set it to "emulate_tty=True"

This would get the INFO logger output when using launch files

Based on - ros2/launch#188