
A repo containing the repo for house predictions in Lagos

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

House Price In Lagos Prediction


Image credit: Nigeria Property Centre

Project Overview

  • Created a web app that predicts the price of houses in Lagos (RMSE ~ 0.36) which helps potential house owners estimate the price of the house they are about to purchase.
  • Scraped over 8000 houses from Nigeria Property Centre using Python and BeautifulSoup. Optimised Random Forest Regressor using GridSearchCV to obtain the best model.
  • Built an API using flask.

Packages/Tools Used

  • Python Version: 3.9
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Request
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Pickle
  • Flask.


The data was scraped from Nigeria Property Centre. The data was scraped in batches to avoid sending too many requests at Nigeria Property Centre's server. The data was stored as a csv file after the data collection. The scraped data contains:

  • Title
  • Address
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of bathrooms
  • Number of toilets
  • Parking Space

Data Cleaning

The features (columns) contained messy entries and were tidied using regular expression and some custom functions. The following steps were taken.

  • extracted the address and the building type.
  • parsed the numeric data out of bed, bath, toilet, parking space and price.
  • removed aberrant entries and outliers.
  • replaced the missing values with the median values.
  • filtered out houses with fewer locations to avoid skewing the analysis.


  • The count of each loacation used in the data analysis after filtering out outliers and abnormal values. image-2021-06-20-103750.png

  • The important features that affect the price of houses in Lagos are: feature_importance

Model Building

  • The categorical feature (location) was transformed into numerical data and I used a test size of 20% for the data modelling.
  • I applied log transformation on the price which transformed the price to a fairly Gaussian distribution.
  • Root mean squared error (RMSE) which is the square root of the sum of the difference between the true value and the predicted value was the metric used to evaluate the performance of the model.
  • Multiple Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Random Forest Regressor, Ada Boost Regressor and Support Vector Regressor models were all built.
  • Random Forest Regressor was chosen because it had a lower RMSE

Model Performance

  • Random Forest Regressor model performed better than other models.
  • The optimal parameters were chosen using GridSearchCV. evaluation.jpg

Flask App

I built a flask app and an API. The app and the API take in a list of values and output an estimated range of the price of the house. The web app was deployed on the cloud using Heroku. app-interface.jpg