Primary LanguageCSS

Simple Frontend Starter Pack

Easy starter pack for your simple frontend web projects. In this pack you have node-sass, bootstrap, postcss autoprefixer for css, parcel for bundling and compiling es6 to vanilla js.

Note: This starter pack uses bash commands. If you are on windows you can use Git Bash.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open your terminal and run $ npm install
  3. Install parcel as global dependecy $ npm install parcel -g

Folder Structure

└── dist
└── src
    └── css
    └── img
    └── sass
        └── main.scss
    └── index.html
    └── scripts.js


Start developing by running this line on terminal;

$ npm start

Use src/sass folder for styling, Use src/index.html file for marking, Use src/scripts.js file for scripting.

And once you done build the project to dist folder by running this line on terminal;

$ npm run build

Note: You can use multiple hmtl files as entry points. For that you need to make some changes on package.json file. Here are just changed lines. We just used * instead of index. But note that you should use localhost:1234/index.html now.

"devserver": "npm run clean && parcel src/*.html",
"build": "npm run clean && npm run build:css && parcel build src/*.html --public-url ./"