
Solutions for Advent of Code, including 2015-2022

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project contains solutions for Advent of Code.

The difficulty of these puzzles is usually less than competitive programming problems, i.e. CodeForces. Even you can calculate the answer by a pencil and paper. Test cases are very simple and examples include nearly everything that you need to care about. But some of them is hard.

And the author provides a very interesting website!


  • Remember to call parseInt when parsing the input by regular expressions.
  • Do not try to find answers by binary search. The server will reject your submission after you have failed too much times.
  • Solve puzzles by brute force searching if it is hard to find reasonable algorithms. Go to Bogdanp/awesome-advent-of-code or visit reddit to get more hits.

How to run

By default, part is 1, and YEAR is the current year.

  • [YEAR=2015] node index.js <day> [part] < input.txt
  • [YEAR=2015] node index.js <day> [part] -f input.txt


For hardness: S(Simple), M(Middle), H(Hard).

2015 (Done!)
day hardness keywords
1 S/S iteration
2 S/S iteration
3 S/S simulation
4 S/S md5
5 S/S filter strings
6 S/S simulation
7 M/M post-order tree traveling
8 S/S string replacement
9 S/S permutation
10 S/S iteration
11 S/S filter strings
12 S/S recursion
13 S/S permutation
14 S/S simulation
15 S/S permutation
16 S/S filter
17 M/M dynamic programming
18 S/S simulation
19 S/H iteration/special laws
20 M/M find bound
21 M/M permutation
22 H/H dfs
23 S/S cpu
24 M/M dynamic programming
25 S/- iteration
2016 (Done!)
day hardness keywords
1 S/S simulation
2 S/S simulation
3 S/S filter
4 S/S filter
5 S/S md5
6 S/S array operations
7 S/S filter
8 S/S simulation
9 S/S string replacement/recursion
10 S/S simulation
11 H/H bfs, optimization
12 S/S cpu
13 H/H bfs
14 S/S md5
15 S/S iteration
16 S/S iteration
17 M/M md5, bfs
18 S/S iteration
19 H/H find laws/dynamic programming
20 M/M merge intervals
21 S/S simulation
22 S/H filter/bfs with special laws
23 S/M cpu/optimization
24 M/M bfs, permutation
25 S/- cpu, find first
2017 (Done!)
day hardness keywords
1 S/S iteration
2 S/S iteration
3 S/M find laws/infinite grid
4 S/S filter strings
5 S/S iteration
6 S/S simulation
7 S/S tree simulation/recursion
8 S/S simple cpu simulation
9 S/S iteration
10 S/S simulation
11 S/S find laws/simulation
12 S/S bfs
13 S/S simulation/find first
14 S/M iteration/bfs
15 S/S iteration
16 S/M simulation/find laws
17 S/S iteration
18 S/M cpu
19 S/S simulation
20 S/M find stable/filter collisions
21 M/M iterate grid
22 S/S infinite grid
23 S/H cpu/assembly to filter primes
24 S/S dfs
25 S/- turing machine
2018 (Done!)
day hardness keywords
1 S/S iteration
2 S/S filter strings/sort then diff
3 S/S rectangles overlap
4 M/M simulation
5 S/S merge with stack
6 M/S simulation
7 S/M typology sorting/simulation
8 S/S string parsing/recursion
9 S/M simulation
10 M/S auto scale
11 S/M find the max sum rectangle
12 S/S simulation/find loop
13 S/S simulation
14 S/S iteration/string match
15 M/S simulation/find bound
16 S/S cpu
17 M/S water simulation
18 S/S simulation/find loop
19 S/S cpu/find logic
20 S/S parse regexp and bfs
21 S/S cpu to find logic
22 S/M dp/bfs
23 S/H filter/max clique
24 S/S simulation/find bound
25 S/- bfs
2019 (Done!)
day hardness keywords
1 S/S iteration
2 S/S cpu
3 M/S line cross
4 S/S filter numbers
5 S/S cpu
6 S/S bfs/nearest common ancestor
7 S/M cpu/generators
8 S/S count numbers/print and see
9 M/S big numbers cpu
10 M/M check connectivity/sort by k
11 S/S cpu count visited/print and see
12 S/M n-object simulation/lcm
13 S/H cpu output map/game simulation
14 S/S typology sorting/binary search
15 S/S bfs
16 S/M fft simulation
17 S/M find intersections/cut routes
18 M/H shortest path
19 S/S count/find
20 M/M shortest path
21 M/H boolean cpu programming
22 S/H shuffle simulation/number theory
23 M/M multiple cpus
24 S/S life game simulation
25 M/- cpu rpg

Different scripts for day 25,

  • day25.js, normal program but has -i option to load commands
  • day25-map.js, searching for all rooms
  • day25-input.txt, according to the rooms map, collect items and go to the checkpoint room
  • day25-drop.js, try each possible combinations of items to pass the weight check
2020 (Done!)
day hardness keywords
1 S/S 2 sum/3 sum
2 S/S filter strings
3 S/S count
4 S/S filter strings
5 S/S iteration/print and see
6 S/S count
7 S/S bfs
8 S/S cpu
9 S/S filter/two points
10 S/S sort and count/dp
11 S/S life games simulation
12 S/S moving iteration
13 S/M find min/number theory
14 S/S bits iteration
15 S/S iteration
16 S/S filter/match
17 S/S 3d/4d life games simulation
18 S/S arithmetic ast
19 S/M regexp tree/special convertion
20 S/H picture matching/pattern search
21 M/S analyze insets
22 S/S cards array iteration
23 S/S array iteration
24 S/S hex flip/life game simulation
25 S/- number iteration


day hardness keywords
1 S/S iteration
2 S/S iteration
3 S/S count and filter strings
4 S/S simulate game
5 S/S count grid points
6 S/M simulate list/calculate
7 S/S midpoint/find best position
8 S/M filter length/analyse mapping
9 S/S filter points/bfs
10 S/S brackets matching
11 S/S simulate grid
12 S/S bfs to find ways
13 S/S fold dots/print and see
14 S/M iteration
15 S/S shortest path
16 S/S parse packages
17 S/S simulate shoot
18 M/S brackets iteration
19 M/S coordinates match
20 S/S iteration
21 S/S simulate game
22 S/H cube overlap/discretization
23 M/- move boxes
24 H/S cpu analyse
25 S/- simulate


day hardness keywords
1 S/S find max
2 S/S RSP game
3 S/S find same character
4 S/S segment overlap
5 S/S stack simulation
6 S/S scan string
7 S/S file directory size, DFS
8 S/S matrix scan
9 S/- rope positions
10 S/S simple cpu/draw letters
11 S/M simulation/keep reminders
12 S/S bfs
13 S/S compare lists
14 M/M sand simulation
15 S/M count positions/merge segments
16 -/- bfs
17 -/- tetris
18 S/- count cube surfaces
19 -/- build robots
20 M/S list iteration
21 S/M dfs/binary search
22 S/- simulate moving
23 S/S grid iteration
24 -/- bfs
25 S/- base conversion


Released at reddit. You can download input.txt directly from here.

  • YEAR=2016 node index.js 26 < input.txt > bonus.out.1
  • YEAR=2016 node index.js 8 2 < bonus.out.1

Thanks to

  • petertseng, first met in reddit for 2016/day11, who also has full solutions in Ruby/Haskell/Rust/D.
  • sguest, for solving 2018/day22, with JavaScript solutions of each year.
  • albertobastos, for solving 2018/day15, with partial solutions of 2018 in JavaScript.
  • kufii, provides a cool website to show 2019 JavaScript solutions.
  • mcpower, also met in reddit for 2019/day22, and has solutions for 2016(partial)/17/18/19 in Python/Rust.
  • romellem for solving 2021/day24, with most of years in JavaScript.