
Meal Planner | Voyage-28 | https://chingu.io/ | Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinguCollabs

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Meal Planner

Meal planner is a single-page app that helps users find healthy recipes and plan your meals while keeping track of shopping costs and daily calorie intake.

Stack: React, Typescript, Sass, Firestore

Setup instructions

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/chingu-voyages/v28-geckos-team-05.git

Install the dependencies locally:

cd v28-geckos-team-05/ && npm i

Create an .env file (see .env.sample). The REACT_APP_MOCK_API variable determines whether the api calls are being mocked locally. If the variable is not set to true, REACT_APP_API_KEYS will need to be set to a list of comma-separated Spoonacular Api keys (you will need to create an account at https://spoonacular.com/food-api)

You will also need to create a Firestore database and set the related environment variables accordingly.

Running the app

If REACT_APP_MOCK_API is set to true, then run the command npm run start-server to start the mock server and then npm start to start the app. If the api is not being mocked, you can simply run the npm start command.



Meal Planner was developed by @davide-ravasi, @JakubKepak and @theborgh.

If you like the app, feel free to fork this repository or open a pull request