
Code Collab https://damp-ocean-88180.herokuapp.com/
A platform where users can search for projects to contribute to and/or post their own projects that they need help with.




Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React / Redux
  • Backend: Nodejs (Express)
  • Database: Mongodb (Mongoose)


  • User can create project with certain criteria (project name, project type, project deadline, what roles are needed for the project, project description, and an image for the project.
  • User can search for projects
  • User can apply to a project and send message to project owner. There is also an chat (inbox) system where they can communicate.
  • User can edit/delete their own projects
  • User can edit their profile

This is an on-going project and is continuously maintained/improved upon and will have more features added past the MVP in the future.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What you need to install the software

npm / yarn


Clone this repository

git clone git@github.com:chingu-voyages/v8-bears-team-01.git

Install dependencies.

$ yarn install-all

Add dev.js file to the config folder

Run the server

$ npm run dev / yarn run dev