
Port of py-vgdl to OpenAi gym

Primary LanguagePython

Quick and dirty port of py-vgdl (https://github.com/schaul/py-vgdl) to work as an OpenAI Gym (https://github.com/openai/gym) environment.

Install using pip:

git clone https://github.com/chingyi-lin/gym_vgdl.git
cd gym_vgdl/
pip install -e .

Then remember to import gym_vgdl and you can use the games as any other env using e.g. env = gym.make('vgdlaliens-v0'). New games can be added by grabbing the VGDL game and level descriptions and adding them to gym_vgdl/vgdl/games, and modifying __init__.py.

About VGDL Language (https://github.com/EssexUniversityMCTS/gvgai/wiki/VGDL-Language)

  • SpriteSet Defines all available sprites for the game, including their parameters and display settings.
  • LevelMapping Defines relationships between characters, used in the level definitions, and the available sprites.
  • InteractionSet Specifies what events occur when two sprites of a given type collide in the game.
  • TerminationSet Specifies the end conditions of the game, indicating whether the player wins or not.