
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

###App configuration:

Ruby v2.2.4

Rails v4.0.13 .

###Run app:

#Install gems in Gemfile

bundle install .

#Start rails server

run rails s .

API using in this app:

#Log in with email and password using HTTP Basic Auth. Auth token will be returned that should be used in all consecutive requests.

curl #{request.url}api/session -d '' -u EMAIL:PASSWORD

#List all task lists of a user.

curl #{request.url}api/task_lists?auth_token=TOKEN

#Create a new list

curl #{request.url}api/task_lists?auth_token=TOKEN -d '{"list": {"name": "New List from API"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

#Update given list

curl #{request.url}api/task_lists/TASK_LIST_ID?auth_token=TOKEN -d '{"list": {"name": "New name from API"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PATCH

#Remove given list

curl #{request.url}api/task_lists/TASK_LIST_ID?auth_token=TOKEN -X DELETE

#List all tasks in a given list.

curl #{request.url}api/task_lists/TASK_LIST_ID/tasks?auth_token=TOKEN

#Create a new task in a given list.

curl #{request.url}api/task_lists/TASK_LIST_ID/tasks?auth_token=TOKEN -d '{"task": {"description": "Task from API"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

#Update given task.

curl #{request.url}api/task_lists/TASK_LIST_ID/tasks/TASK_ID?auth_token=TOKEN -d '{"task": {"description": "New description from API"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PATCH

#Remove given task.

curl #{request.url}api/task_lists/TASK_LIST_ID/tasks/TASK_ID?auth_token=TOKEN -X DELETE

#Log out. After this action, given auth token will no longer be valid.

curl #{request.url}api/session?auth_token=TOKEN -X DELETE