
How to Bulk Transfer Slack Emojis without Admin Privileges

Primary LanguagePython

Bulk Emoji Reformatter

Medium Post Link

Guide to export and import your custom emojis from one slack workspace to another without being an admin. This reformatter currently supports jpg, gif, and png. Let me know if you'd like more file types, and I'll update the python script.

A post with screenshots can be found on Medium.

Export Your Emojis in Bulk from the First Workspace

  1. Install Save All Resources on Chrome extension.

  2. Open your Developer Tools window on Chrome using Ctrl Shift J (on Windows), Ctrl Option J (on Mac), or Chrome's More Tools.

  3. Click on ResourceSaver. Now you can download your resource files from your Custom Slack Emoji page.

  4. Navigate to your workspace's custom emoji page: 'https://[workspace_name].slack.com/customize/emoji'.

  5. Now scroll all the way through your workspace's emojis. This will store them in your /top/emoji.slack-edge.com/T0#####/ folder. You can view it by going to the Sources tab in Developer Tools.

  6. Once you have collected all the emojis, click "Save All Resources" on the ResourcesSaver tab to download the zip file.

Using the Emoji Reformatter

We'll now use the Emoji Reformatter script to reformat the files with their original workspace's names. Their folders currently have the files' original emoji names. They should have a similar file structure as examples. favorites contains some of my favorite slack emojis.

  1. Now git clone the repo.

  2. Rename T0##### to emojis. (Note: Feel free to test the repo's functionality by renaming examples to emojis.)

  3. Place emojis inside the emoji_reformatter directory.

  4. Run python emoji_reformatter.py. This will create a folder called reformatted_emojis with all the refomatted emoji files. It will print out the number of reformatted files and the names of the folders that still need to be modified (see Medium article for more documentation).

Import Your Emojis in Bulk into the Second Workspace

  1. Download the Neutral Face Emoji Tools Chrome extension.

  2. Navigate to your second workspace's custom emoji page and drop the reformatted files into Neutral Face Emoji Tools' uploader. Slack throttles your uploads, so you will need to upload in batches.

