
Fission docs source site (docs.fission.io)

Primary LanguageShell

To read the Fission docs, go to: docs.fission.io.

Fission Docs Source Repo

This is the source for the docs.fission.io website. It contains docs for both the Fission and Fission Workflows projects.

Repo organization and building

This is a hugo statically-generated site, hosted on netlify. The site is automatically built by netlify (see netlify.toml and build.sh).

  • docs/ is the source. It's a hugo site.
    • docs/content this is where the documentation content lives.
    • docs/config.toml is some hugo configuration, such as the base URL of the website, the theme etc.
  • dist/ is the directory that's actually served at https://docs.fission.io
    • dist/<VERSION> older versions of the docs are archived here. See the versioning section below.
  • version.sh contains the version
  • build.sh is run by netlify. It runs hugo and places the generated site under dist/


All the docs are under a version directory. On releasing a new version, we archive the dist/$VERSION directory for the old version, and commit it. Netlify only builds the latest version on each push.

Making changes

Adding a new doc

cd docs/
hugo new usage/how-to-use-ShinyNewThing.md

Modifying an existing doc

Find the doc under docs/content, edit it, make a pull request. You can use Github's handy UI for editing docs.

Previewing your changes

cd docs/
hugo serve -D
# This will output a link that you can open in a browser.

Publishing your changes

Make a pull request with your changes to the source. There should be no changes under the dist directory. (Unless you're making a new release, or fixing something in an old version of the docs.)

When the pull request is merged the site will automatically be updated by netlify.