
Canteen Ordering System Built Using Django with Payment Integration of Paypal.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Canteen Ordering System Built Using Django with Payment Integration of Paypal.

Made with love in India made-with-python Open Source Love svg1

About Project 📄

This Canteen Ordering System is Built Using Django, where students can order the food from their college canteen.

Project Functionalities ⚙

  • Login/Register to Your Account.
  • Django Built-in Authentication.
  • View the List of Available food that you can order.
  • Add-to-Cart Button on Each food Item.
  • Increase/Decrease Quantity of Food added into cart.
  • Show No. of Items in Cart at NavBar of Application.
  • View List of Added Page.
  • Can Increase/Decrease/Delete Item from Cart Page.
  • Place Order By selecting Payment Mode(Online/Cash).
  • Payment Integration of Paypal.
  • View List of All Placed Orders at Orders Page.
  • View Current Status of Order.
  • Check Details of Each Order by clicking View Details Button.

Technologies Used 👨‍💻

  • Django - For Coding Backend of Application.
  • SQLite - Used this Default DataBase for Storing Data.
  • DTL - Django Template Language for Building Dynamic Pages.
  • JavaScript - For Integrating Additional functionalities in Project.
  • Bootstrap 5 - For UI Development of Project.
  • HTML/CSS - For Coding Basic Templates of Project.

User-End Interface

End User or Consumer Can Interact with the Application Using the web interface or the frontend of the application.

Business-End Interface

Business-End means the Canteen Owner. As of now there is no separate application for Canteen Owner.

So Canteen Owners are provided with the Default Admin Panel that is Provided by Django.

Demo Of Application

To Watch the Live Demo Of Application click on the Below Given Link. View Demo 🚀.

Here Are Some ScreenShots of The Application

drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing drawing


If You are Learner, or Want to test this application. Then After Forking & Cloning, You Can use these Test Credentials for Logging-In into the Application.

- #### FOR USER:
  - ID : test
  - PASSWORD : test

- #### FOR ADMIN:
  - ID : admin
  - PASSWORD : admin