
Builds simple esy native packages with minimal configuration.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

pesy: Native Reason Project from Json.

  • Use package.json to declare libraries and executables.
  • Generates dune config per directory.


pesy modes:

  • Create New Project: Running pesy globally creates a new project.
  • Update pesy project: Running esy pesy in an existing pesy project will update build config according to package.json contents.
  • Build pesy project: Setting your package.json build command to pesy will verify build config is up to date before building your project.

Create New Project:

If installed globally, pesy can be used to create esy projects instantly inside of any directory. The project name is determined by the current directory, and the generated projects will use invoke each build with pesy to keep the dune build config in sync.

npm install -g pesy

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
pesy      # Hit enter to accept default name

This creates:

  • package.json with useful dependencies/compilers.
  • .gitignore and README.md with instructions for new contributors.
  • .circleci continuous integration with cache configured for ultra-fast pull requests.
  • library/, executable/ and test/ directory with starter modules.

The created project uses pesy in its build step. As always, run esy pesy any time you update the build config in the package.json.

Update pesy Project:

Once you've created a project, you normally only ever run esy build on the command line. If you update your package.json buildDirs field, you will need to run esy pesy which will update all the project build config based on your package.json file changes. Then, you just run esy build as usual. You only need to run esy pesy if you change your package.json file.

(Hopefully, this could be automatically done in the future so you only ever run esy build as usual).

Build pesy Project:

If you created your project by invoking the globally installed pesy, then your project is already setup to use pesy at build time. Its esy.build field is set to pesy, which will run pesy to verify that all your build config is up to date before invoking the Dune build. It will help walk you through updating the Dune build config from your package.json if anything is out of date.

You probably don't need pesy if you have an existing project that is working well, but to add pesy to an existing project, follow these steps:

1. Add a dependency on pesy, and configure buildDirs:

  "name": "my-package",
  "dependencies": {
    "pesy": "*"
  "buildDirs": {
    "exampleLib": {
      "namespace": "Examples",
      "name": "my-package.example-lib",
      "require": [ "bos.top" ]
    "bin": {
      "name": "my-package.exe",
      "require": [

2.Install and Build:

esy install
esy pesy  # Generate the project build config from json
esy build

Example Project:

The following example project already has an example config. You can base your project off of this one.

npm install -g esy@next
git clone git@github.com:jordwalke/esy-peasy-starter.git

esy install
esy pesy    # Use pesy to configure build from package.json
esy build
  • Change the name of the package, and names of libraries in buildDirs accordingly.
  • Then rerun:
esy pesy
esy build

Testing Binaries:

Use the standard esy x any-command-here command to run any-command-here as if you had installed the package. For example esy x YourPackage.exe --args builds and runs your built YourPackage.exe executable with arguments.

Consuming New Library Dependencies:

  • Add dependencies to dependencies in package.json.

  • Add the name of that new dependencies library to package.json's buildDirs section that you want to use the library within. For example, if your project builds a library in the exampleLib/ directory, and you want it to depend on a library named bos.top from an opam package named bos, change the package.json to look like this:

      "name": "my-package",
      "dependencies": {
        "@opam/bos": "*"
      "buildDirs": {
        "exampleLib": {
          "namespace": "Examples",
          "name": "my-package.example-lib",
          "require": [ "bos.top" ]
  • Then run:

    esy install  # Fetch dependency sources
    esy pesy     # Configure the build based on package.json
    esy build    # Do the build

Note: After adding/building a new dependency you can use esy ls-libs to see which named libraries become available to you by adding the package dependency.

Note: You can also use esy ls-modules to see which named modules become available to you from those libraries.


esy-pesy is good for rapidly making new small executables/libraries. Once they grow, you'll want to "eject out" of esy-pesy and begin customizing using a more advanced build system.

Supported Config

Not all config is supported. This is just a proof of concept. If you'd like to add support for more config fields, PRs are welcomed.


  • name: The name of the binary


  • name: The name of the library
  • namespace: The name that other modules will see your module as, within their source code, if they require your library.
  • cNames: Array of strings to use as C stubs (filenames without the .c extension).


  • require: Array of strings (public library names).
  • flags: Array of strings to pass to both ocamlc and ocamlopt.
  • ocamlcFlags: Array of flags to pass to ocamlc.
  • ocamloptFlags: Array of flags to pass to ocamlopt.
  • jsooFlags: Array of flags passed to jsoo.
  • preprocess: Array of preprocess options to enable. Primarily used to enable PPX.
  • ignoredSubdirs : Array of subdirectory names to ignore.
  • includeSubdirs : (string) either "no" or "unqualified".