Assignment 2 - Portfolio Website

Created a portfolio website using HTML and CSS to showcase work experience, education, projects.

HTML Tags Used

Used HTML and HTML5 Tags

<header> - To contain introduction part of the HTML page.
<div> - To separate out contents to create a particular section
<section> - To create different sections
</br> - To separate or give line breaks
<h1> - To give main heading
<h2>, <h3>, <h4> - Smaller headings
<p> - To create paragraphs
<a> - Anchor tag, to give hyperlink
<footer> - Contains contact, copyright information
<img> - to add images in websites

CSS tags used

@media - different styles for different media types/devices
padding - to give space space between content and its border
color - specifies the color of text
font-family - can hold several font names, incase one font is not there
display - specifies the display behavior  of an element
border-bottom - sets the style of the bottom border for different elements
margin-right -  sets the right margin of an element
position - type of positioning method used for an element
right - affects the horizontal position of a positioned element
top - affects the vertical position of a positioned element
background-color - sets the background color of an element
line-height - property specifies the height of a line
border-bottom - sets the style of the bottom border
margin-bottom - sets the bottom margin of an element
font-weight - sets how thick or thin characters in text
width - sets the width of an element
overflow - specifies what should happen if content overflows an element's box
float - specifies whether an element floats to the left, right, or not at all
background-position - sets the starting position of a background image

Other Requirements Fullfilled

Used External CSS
Used float/overflow property
Used absolute/relative position
Used tel, mailto option in contact footer
Used @media for iPad and Smartphones