This repo contains the code for the NYCCamp.org website.
The source code is hosted on GitHub webpage.
The website itself is hosted on Pantheon. Code is continuously mirrored from GitHub to Pantheon using hubdrop.io. If code stops moving to Pantheon, alert @jonpugh.
ONLY push commits to the GitHub repo. Do NOT push code to the Pantheon Repo.
- Live: http://nyccamp.org
- Test: http://test-nyccamp2014.gotpantheon.com
- Dev: http://dev-nyccamp2014.gotpantheon.com The dev site tracks the
branch. Pushes tomaster
should be reflected on the dev site within 4 minutes.
Environments are managed through the Pantheon Dashboard.
Join us in #nyccamp on IRC to chat about NYC Camp.
Issues are tracked on GitHub at http://github.com/NYC-Camp/website/issues.
More info on development processes, etc can be found on the project wiki at http://github.com/NYC-Camp/website/wiki.