

- Install GIT
- EKS Cluster
- Install fluxctl
- Install FluxCD or Flux Operator

EKS Cluster Setup:

EKS Cluster Setup

Install fluxctl:

mv fluxctl_linux_amd64 fluxctl
chmod +x fluxctl
mv fluxctl /usr/bin/
fluxctl version

Install FluxCD or Flux Operator:

Create the flux namespace:

kubectl create ns springboot

Then, install Flux in your cluster (replace YOURUSER with your GitHub username): Syntax:

    fluxctl install \
    --git-user=${GHUSER} \
    --git-email=${GHUSER} \${GHUSER}/flux-get-started \		--> Replace URL with our Git Repo URL
    --git-path=namespaces,workloads \				            --> Replace with folder inside Git Repo
    --namespace=flux | kubectl apply -f -

Changed as:

export GHUSER="chinnareddaiah"
fluxctl install \
--git-user=${GHUSER} \
--git-email=${GHUSER} \${GHUSER}/Gitops-FluxCD \
--git-branch=master \
--git-path=deploy-k8s \
--namespace=springboot | kubectl apply -f -

Edit Deployment file

kubectl edit deploy flux -n springboot

Add "--sync-garbage-collection"
- args:
  - --memcached-service=
  - --sync-garbage-collection=true    


Wait for Flux to start:

kubectl -n springboot rollout status deployment/flux

Check if Flux deployment is successful or not:

kubectl get deploy -n springboot


Authorise Flux CD to Connect to Your Git Repository:

We now need to allow the Flux CD operator to interact with the Git repository, and therefore, we need to add its public SSH key to the repo.

Get the public SSH key using fluxctl:

fluxctl identity --k8s-fwd-ns springboot

In order to sync your cluster state with git you need to copy the public key and create a deploy key with write access on your GitHub repository. Open GitHub Repo --> settings --> Deploy Keys Add public key inside Deploy Keys, Click on Allow write access check box and then click on Add Key


By default, Flux git pull frequency is set to 5 minutes. You can tell Flux to sync the changes immediately with:

fluxctl sync --k8s-fwd-ns springboot


Now check wether deployment done in cluster or not:
