
Contains python code for extracting data from images (OCR).

Primary LanguagePython


Contains python code for extracting data from images (OCR).

Dependencies : - Python version 3.0 or above - Tesseract-ocr (Download link: https://excellmedia.dl.sourceforge.net/project/tesseract-ocr-alt/tesseract-ocr-setup-3.02.02.exe) Note:The above link is for windows users, tesseract for linux ,macOS and others are also available on web. From the above link tesseract would be automatically installed at 'C:/program files(86)/' . - Open libraries used which are mentioned below.

Libraries used: - PILLOW (PIL) # For image manupulation - pytesseract # For extracting text from image - argparse # For argument parsing - OpenCV (cv2) # For image processing

Steps to execute: - Extract files from "Text from Image.rar" - Open cmd -> reach to path of 'extract.py' file in "Text from Image" directory - write code in the form of: python extract.py -i "Path of image from which text is to be extracted"

			python extract.py -i input_images/image1.jpg

Form of Output: - Output is available in form of a String as well as in the form of list containing words(line-wise).