
A frontend web page that showcases specific personal and real-time data attributes.

Primary LanguageCSS

Interns Welcome and Task Overview

This README provides an overview of our first task, which involves creating a frontend web page showcasing specific personal and real-time data attributes. This task will help us get familiar with HTML, CSS, and the fundamentals of web development.

Stage One: Frontend Page Creation with Specific Elements

Task Accomplishments

In this task, I successfully created a frontend web page that showcases specific personal and real-time data attributes. Here are the accomplishments:

  1. Slack Name:

    • I displayed my Slack name prominently.
    • Attribute: data-testid="slackUserName"
  2. Slack Display Picture:

    • I showcased my Slack profile picture.
    • The image's alt attribute is my Slack username.
    • Attribute: data-testid="slackDisplayImage"
  3. Current Day of the Week:

    • I indicated the current day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).
    • Attribute: data-testid="currentDayOfTheWeek"
  4. Current UTC Time:

    • I displayed the current UTC time in milliseconds.
    • Attribute: data-testid="currentUTCTime"
  5. Track:

    • I mentioned my track as "Frontend."
    • Attribute: data-testid="myTrack"
  6. GitHub URL:

    • I provided a clickable link to my GitHub repository where the source code for this task resides.
    • Attribute: data-testid="githubURL"

Screenshot of My Work

Here's a screenshot of my completed task: Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 09 54 32

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