
A read-aloud system

Primary LanguageJava

Text To Speech

A non-automated text-to-speech translator

Acceptance Criteria (System Requirements)

  1. Users been able to see text in a text box
  2. Texts in text box are read-aloud by the translator
  3. Users should see a button to load text dat from local file
  4. Users should have a call-to-action button that prompts the system to read the texts in the text box aloud.

Analysis of System Requirements

  1. The text box gives the user a visual representation of the texts loaded from local file
  2. Texts in the text box should be readable by the system i.e a UTF-8 encoded characters
  3. A call-to-action button helps the system to load the file and populate the visual box
  4. Reading aloud of text is also prompted by a user-action

Design and Implementation

The design of this project is a simple UI, with components:

  • Label: Describing the project name
  • Text box: For visual representation of the local file loaded into the system for translation
  • User-action button for prompting the system on the next action perform.
  • System is implemented using java as the programming language

Challenges and insights

  • Using javax package have posed a significant challenge in my project implementation, java ecosystem is too large that finding packages might be a daunting task to engage.
  • Over the course of the project, using scene builder for crafting UIs in java is what I've embraced.