bel-material-components [WIP]

Create material design dom elements. Uses material-components-web and bel. Work in progress, beware of dragons 🐉 🐉.

Usage Example

  import button from './button.js';
  const el = button({ onclick: (event) => console.log(event) })('On Click');

Development in Progress


  • Button
  • Floating Action Button - (requires material-icons to be loaded)
  • Elevation mixins - for use in conjunction with styled-elements for now
  • Icon - requires material-icons loaded into page; material-icons self-init to come later
  • Toolbar - missing fixed/waterfall/flexible modifiers
  • Text Field - missing help text and validation funtionality

How to View Examples

  1. clone this repo
  2. serve this repo
  3. open example-app/public/index.html in a browser with module support (Chrome 61+ should work)
  4. view test page with elements vomited onto screen


  • 1st iteration will need material css import and material-icons font imported separate from this library.
  • Cannot have 2 styled-elements on one page would add complexity to inject styled into the components (revisit later).