Bot script for PES2017 simulator mode using PS4 Macro.
This project will end with new version of PES 2019. PES 2019 release date for PS4 is August 30 (source).
- Launch MyClub
- Launch match
- Skip all screen
- Renew player/manager with GP money
- Switch team every match (need 2 teams)
- log into file time for starting and ending match
- From PS4 Macro, copy the file PS4MacroAPI.dll to [repository root]\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\dll
- Compile the solution
- Open PS4Macro.PES2018Lite.dll in PS4 Macro.
- Press play
Name 4 teams :
- "Win1" and "WinTwo" (usually strongest teams to level up)
- "Lose1" and "LoseTwo" (usually weakest teams to level down) The loop will switch between these two teams every match (Win1<=>WinTwo or Lose1<=>LoseTwo). It gives recovery time to players. Usually, use "Lose*" teams to level down and "Win*" to level up. But if your strongest team is "lose1", it will level up !
In "class ManageTeamScreen", you have to adjust (X, Y) coordinates with your club length name, specifically the X. The RecMap to adjsut are :
- team_WinOne_Focus
- teamWinTwo_Focus
- team_LoseOne_Focus
- team_LoseTwo_Focus
In "class ManageTeamScreen", you have to modify the method "SwitchTeam" to adjust the number of "digital pad down" to apply to select each team.
I give you an example for "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClubFocus.png":
- If file is named like "XXXFocus.png", it means that is a focused part of the file "XXX.png". In this example, "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClubFocus.png" is a part of "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClub.png".
- You have to make the screenshot of your PES version as same as possible of "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClub.png".
- Search which C# file uses the screenshot "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClubFocus.png" ➡️ PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\Root\LaunchMyClub.cs
- Find the RectMap using this picture ➡️ myClubFocus
private static RectMap myClubFocus = new RectMap() { ID = "Root-LaunchMyClub-myClubFocus.png", X = 62, Y = 322, Width = 75, Height = 25, Hash = 9220964140883935103 };
- Case "XXX.png" :
- Take the picture as it is.
- Case "XXXFocus.png" :
- Crop the picture to have the "Focus" version
- Take coordonate of the focus part : X, Y is for the left-upper corner of area to crop.
- Take size of the focus part : Width, Height is for the width and height of area to crop.
- This picture, is the one to use with de PS4Macro tools to compute checksum.
- Update the attribute "Hash" in the RectMap with your own checksum .
Now, the program is updated with your own screenshot.
- Rename picture name for traceability to C# code.
- Stop play when cash is lower than 10.000
- Display history (cash, renew players name/cost, match score, list of opponent players/level, cash earning)
- Display debug on nice window
- Use OCR instead of picture recognition