- aifesteves
- alg0traderColorado
- allen-munschNorthern Region of MN
- artob@AsimovPlatform
- cahz
- cibyr
- citypwHardenedLinux
- codykrieger@config
- combinatorylogic
- costypetrisor
- crystalline
- daedalusMontevideo, Uruguay
- drhodesNew Hampshire
- ekiwiCornell University
- invalid0xcccccccc
- jarmitageAfhverju Ekki
- jsawruk
- killeder
- lethalbit@YosysHQ
- leviathanch
- lstolcmanEuropean Union
- michaelbraveLos Angeles, CA
- michaelsippel
- mikolalysenkoMichigan
- Oliver-LoefflerGermany
- pose@awslabs
- sajankiDelft University of Technology
- samuelshaoToronto, ON, Canada
- teunaTahiti, French Polynesia
- thesourcerer8
- TobiasKaiserBerlin, Germany
- valpackettArgentina ⭐⭐⭐
- yjdwbjZhuhai China
- yvtJapan
- zanepocockSwan Bitcoin