- 19
- 5
Doesn't work on M3 Mac
#45 opened by danieljausovec - 12
failed to create wgctrl client
#42 opened by KauzClay - 2
[Question] failed to start service
#38 opened by vie-serendipity - 8
minikube support?
#22 opened by jkroepke - 3
Question about root ownership?
#29 opened by hedefalk - 11
invalid reference to syscall.recvmsg
#39 opened by mtx2d - 5
Issue with Brew install on MacOS M1
#40 opened by phmcder - 0
Docker Desktop host networking conflicts with docker-mac-net-connect and causes login to fail
#41 opened by lhotari - 1
- 3
Podman support
#13 opened by miklinux - 2
Not working after Docker update?
#33 opened by danbarker - 1
Support for Kind K8s on Docker Desktop
#32 opened by maucaro - 4
met up with some network problems
#31 opened by mingmingshiliyu - 3
docker-mac-net-connect causes docker to crash
#20 opened by kmahelona - 0
Mac M2 still cannot connect after configuration
#30 opened by sen-cs - 3
- 1
Support lima environments
#26 opened by gregnr - 8
Help making it work with colima
#16 opened by TiagoJacobs - 4
Support for --internal network?
#23 opened by dkoshkin - 0
Config file
#24 opened by gregnr - 2
Error: Failure while executing; `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew tap homebrew/services` exited with 1.
#18 opened by akoserwal - 2
install error
#17 opened by peachestao - 3
- 13
Doesn't work on M2 Mac
#19 opened by danieljausovec - 1
Can you filter specific networks?
#15 opened by michelesr - 11
- 1
IP Address command returns an empty string
#14 opened by cisse21 - 2
- 2
- 5
- 2
- 2
Starting of brew service homebrew.mxcl.docker-mac-net-connect.plist fails
#5 opened by alexandertsukanov - 7
Timeouts after reboot
#4 opened by evmoroz - 5
Doesn't work on M1 Mac
#1 opened by dobegor - 0
GitHub Actions
#3 opened by gregnr