'ubugger' is a unicon/icon debugger which edits *.icn and creates associated *_dbg.icn files.
It provides functionality for Continue and Stepping. However there is currently no functionality for stepping in and out of procedures; nor for watching variables.
It also shows the current line of code being executed with the line number, and state of all the locals/globals. Long lists/tables are truncated for pretty printing.
unicon ubugger.icn
./ubugger foo.icn bar.icn beef.icn
, would generate foo_dbg.icn
, bar_dbg.icn
and beef_dbg.icn
Naturally you can chain execution as one command with
./ubugger foo.icn bar.icn beef.icn & unicon foo_dbg.icn -x
if you wanted to immediately pass the _dbg.icn to unicon and execute your debug session.
Breakpoints can be added in you .icn files by adding #xxx
as a comment, wherever you want to break.
This allows you to still compile your original .icn in unicon without having to manually edit anything first.
>> every task := !result_path do put(results_list,[g_tbl_tasks_id[task].task_code,g_tbl_tasks_id[task].task_name]) |
L----58 sel_task_code-------"FO10005" |
L----58 rel_task_id---------"94133" |
L----58 selected------------8 |
L----58 local_s-------------&null |
L----58 debug_c_s-----------&null |
L----58 local_v-------------"local_v" |
L----58 debug_c_l-----------&null |
L----58 ch------------------"s" |
L----58 result_sols---------[] |
L----58 results_list--------[["FO10005","DECREASE GENERATOR LOAD TO 100 MW"],<3>["FO10007","DECREASE GEN LOA|
L----58 index---------------1 |
L----58 result_path---------["94133","94135","94136","94139","94138","94141","94142","94143","94144","94114"|
L----58 task----------------"94218" |
[S] Step, [C] Continue
Very welcome, Unicon is in desperate need of some better debugger facilities other than just trace