./gradlew application:shadowJar
./gradlew :reloading:build
Assuming you are in the root project dir
- comment out the corresponding line in
and comment the others - initial build
java -Djava.system.class.loader=godot.ProxyClassloader -jar application/build/libs/application-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar reloading/build/libs/reloading-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- terminal pops up -> keep open
Assuming you are in the root project dir
- comment out the corresponding line in
and comment the others - initial build
java -jar application/build/libs/application-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar reloading/build/libs/reloading-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- terminal pops up -> keep open
Repeat the following as many times as you need to test the reloading:
- Change the property
inside godot.reloading.Entry ./gradlew :reloading:build
- hit ENTER in terminal
: the dummy application which uses reloaded codeclassloader
: custom classloader impls which enable code reloadinglibrary
: library containing a base class from which reloaded code extendsreloading
: the code which gets reloaded byapplication
and implements the base class fromlibrary