
failed to build the GCD module

zhutmost opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi developers,

I'm trying to build the GCD module as follows,

package gcd

import chisel3._

  * Compute GCD using subtraction method.
  * Subtracts the smaller from the larger until register y is zero.
  * value in register x is then the GCD
class GCD extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val value1        = Input(UInt(16.W))
    val value2        = Input(UInt(16.W))
    val loadingValues = Input(Bool())
    val outputGCD     = Output(UInt(16.W))
    val outputValid   = Output(Bool())

  val x  = Reg(UInt())
  val y  = Reg(UInt())

  when(x > y) { x := x - y }
    .otherwise { y := y - x }

  when(io.loadingValues) {
    x := io.value1
    y := io.value2

  io.outputGCD := x
  io.outputValid := y === 0.U

But it failed for some bugs I cannot solve. Here is the log of builder.

Thank you.

Can you show us the Dragonfly.scala file?

Oh, it's just the file name of the gcd module.

Thank you, ucbjrl. I bumped the scalaVersion to 2.11.12. and solved.
This issue can be closed.