
🤵‍ An easy way to build real-time applications with WebSockets. Supports channels, validation and other things. SocketIO alternative for PHP.

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Porter 🤵‍

A simple PHP 8 websocket server and client wrapper over Workerman with events, channels and other stuff, can say this is a Socket IO alternative for PHP.


Latest version 1.2 is production ready, maintenance only small features, fix bugs and has no breaking changes updates.

🧰 Installation

  1. Install Porter via Composer:
composer require chipslays/porter
  1. Put javascript code in views:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/chipslays/porter@latest/dist/porter.min.js"></script>
  1. All done.

Laravel integration can be found here.

👨‍💻 Usage

Server (PHP)

Simplest ping-pong server.

use Porter\Events\Event;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


server()->on('ping', function (Event $event) {


Run server.

php server.php start

Or run server in background as daemon process.

php server.php start -d
List of all available commands

php server.php start

php server.php start -d

php server.php status

php server.php status -d

php server.php connections

php server.php stop

php server.php stop -g

php server.php restart

php server.php reload

php server.php reload -g

Client (Javascript)

Send ping event on established connection.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/chipslays/porter@latest/dist/porter.min.js"></script>

    const client = new Porter(`ws://${location.hostname}:3737`);

    client.connected = () => {

    client.on('pong', payload => {


💡 Examples

Examples can be found here.

📚 Documentation

NOTE: The documentation may not contain the latest updates or may be out of date in places. See examples, code and comments on methods. The code is well documented.


Local development

use Workerman\Worker;

$worker = new Worker('websocket://');

On server with SSL

use Workerman\Worker;

$context = [
    // More see http://php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php
    'ssl' => [
        'local_cert' => '/path/to/cert.pem',
        'local_pk' => '/path/to/privkey.pem',
        'verify_peer' => false,
        // 'allow_self_signed' => true,
$worker = new Worker('websocket://', $context);
$worker->transport = 'ssl';

🔹 Server

Can be used anywhere as function server() or Server::getInstance().

use Porter\Server;

$server = Server::getInstance();

boot(Worker $worker): self

Booting websocket server. It method init all needle classes inside.

Use this method instead of constructor.

$server = Server::getInstance();

// by helper function

setWorker(Worker $worker): void

Set worker instance.

use Workerman\Worker;

$worker = new Worker('websocket://');
server()->boot($worker); // booting server

$worker = new Worker('websocket://');
$worker->... // configure new worker

// change worker in already booted server

setWorker(Worker $worker): void

Set worker instance.

use Workerman\Worker;

$worker = new Worker('websocket://');

getWorker(): Worker

Get worker instance.


addEvent(AbstractEvent|string $event): self

Add event class handler.

use Porter\Server;
use Porter\Payload;
use Porter\Connection;
use Porter\Events\AbstractEvent;

class Ping extends AbstractEvent
    public static string $id = 'ping';

    public function handle(Connection $connection, Payload $payload, Server $server): void


autoloadEvents(string $path, string|array $masks = ['*.php', '**/*.php']): void

Autoload all events inside passed path.

Note: Use it instead manual add events by addEvent method.

server()->autoloadEvents(__DIR__ . '/Events');

on(string $type, callable $handler): void


Event $event class extends and have all methods & properties of AbstractEvent.

$server->on('ping', function (Event $event) {

start(): void

Start server.


onConnected(callable $handler): void

Emitted when a socket connection is successfully established.

In this method available vars: $_GET, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER.

use Porter\Terminal;
use Porter\Connection;

server()->onConnected(function (Connection $connection, string $header) {
    Terminal::print('{text:darkGreen}Connected: ' . $connection->getRemoteAddress());

    // Here also available vars: $_GET, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER.
    Terminal::print("Query from client: {text:darkYellow}foo={$_GET['foo']}");

onDisconnected(callable $handler): void

Emitted when the other end of the socket sends a FIN packet.

NOTICE: On disconnect client connection will leave of all the channels where he was.

use Porter\Terminal;
use Porter\Connection;

server()->onDisconnected(function (Connection $connection) {
    Terminal::print('{text:darkGreen}Connected: ' . $connection->getRemoteAddress());

onError(callable $handler): void

Emitted when an error occurs with connection.

use Porter\Terminal;
use Porter\Connection;

server()->onError(function (Connection $connection, $code, $message) {
    Terminal::print("{bg:red}{text:white}Error {$code} {$message}");

onStart(callable $handler): void

Emitted when worker processes start.

use Porter\Terminal;
use Workerman\Worker;

server()->onStart(function (Worker $worker) {

onStop(callable $handler): void

Emitted when worker processes stoped.

use Porter\Terminal;
use Workerman\Worker;

server()->onStop(function (Worker $worker) {

onReload(callable $handler): void

Emitted when worker processes get reload signal.

use Porter\Terminal;
use Workerman\Worker;

server()->onReload(function (Worker $worker) {

onRaw(callable $handler): void

Handle non event messages (raw data).

server()->onRaw(function (string $payload, Connection $connection) {
    if ($payload == 'ping') {

to(TcpConnection|Connection|array $connection, string $event, array $data = []): self

Send event to connection.

server()->to($connection, 'ping');

broadcast(string $event, array $data = [], array $excepts = []): void

Send event to all connections.

Yes, to all connections on server.

server()->broadcast('chat message', [
    'nickname' => 'John Doe',
    'message' => 'Hello World!',

storage(): Storage

Getter for Storage class.


server()->storage()->put('foo', 'bar');

$storage = server()->storage();

// can also be a get as propperty
server()->storage()->put('foo', 'bar');
$storage = server()->storage;

channels(): Channels

Getter for Channels class.


server()->channels()->create('secret channel');

$channels = server()->channels();
$channels->get('secret channel');

connection(int $connectionId): ?Connection

Get connection instance by id.

$connection = server()->connection(1);
server()->to($connection, 'welcome message', [
    'text' => 'Hello world!'

// also can get like
$connection = server()->getWorker()->connections[1337] ?? null;

connections(): Collection[]

Get collection of all connections on server.

$connections = server()->connections();
server()->broadcast('update users count', ['count' => $connections->count()]);

// also can get like
$connections = server()->getWorker()->connections;

validator(): Validator

Create validator instance.

See documenation & examples how to use.

$v = server()->validator();

if ($v->email()->validate('john.doe@example.com')) {

// available as helper
if (validator()->contains('example.com')->validate('john.doe@example.com')) {

🔹 Channels

This is a convenient division of connected connections into channels.

One connection can consist of an unlimited number of channels.

Channels also support broadcasting and their own storage.

Channel can be access like:

// by method

// by property

create(string $id, array $data = []): Channel

Create new channel.

$channel = server()->channels()->create('secret channel', [
    'foo' => 'bar',

$channel->join($connection)->broadcast('welcome message', [
    'foo' => $channel->data->get('foo'),

get(string $id): ?Channel

Get a channel.

Returns NULL if channel not exists.

$channel = server()->channels()->get('secret channel');

all(): Channel[]

Get array of channels (Channel instances).

foreach (server()->channels()->all() as $id => $channel) {
    echo $channel->connections()->count() . ' connection(s) in channel: ' . $id . PHP_EOL;

count(): int

Get count of channels.

$count = server()->channels()->count();

echo "Total channels: {$count}";

delete(string $id): void

Delete channel.

server()->channels()->delete('secret channel');

exists(string $id): bool

Checks if given channel id exists already.

$channelId = 'secret channel';
if (!server()->channels()->exists($channelId)) {

join(string $id, Connection|Connection[]|int[] $connections): Channel

Join or create and join to channel.

server()->channels()->join([$connection1, $connection2, $connection3, ...]);

🔹 Channel

join(TcpConnection|Connection|array $connections): self

Join given connections to channel.

$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
$channel->join([$connection1, $connection2, $connection3, ...]);

leave(TcpConnection|Connection $connection): self

Remove given connection from channel.

$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');

exists(TcpConnection|Connection|int $connection): bool

Checks if given connection exists in channel.

$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');

connections(): Connections

A array of connections in this channel. Key is a id of connection, and value is a instance of connection Connection.

$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');

foreach($channel->connections()->all()) as $connection) {
    $connection->lastMessageAt = time();
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');

$connection = $channel->connections()->get([1337]); // get connection with 1337 id

broadcast(string $event, array $data = [], array $excepts = []): void

Send an event to all connection on this channel.

TcpConnection[]|Connection[]|int[] $excepts Connection instance or connection id.

$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
$channel->broadcast('welcome message', [
    'text' => 'Hello world',

For example, you need to send to all participants in the room except yourself, or other connections.

$channel->broadcast('welcome message', [
    'text' => 'Hello world',
], [$connection]);

$channel->broadcast('welcome message', [
    'text' => 'Hello world',
], [$connection1, $connection2, ...]);

destroy(): void

Delete this channel from channels.

$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');

// now if use $channel, you get an error

Lifehack for Channel

You can add channel to current user as property to $connection instance and get it anywhere.

$channel = channel('secret channel');
$connection->channel = &$channel;



Data is a simple implement of box for storage your data.

Data is a object of powerful chipslays/collection.

See documentation for more information how to manipulate this data.

NOTICE: All this data will be deleted when the server is restarted.

Two of simple-short examples:

$channel->data->get('foo', 'default value');
$channel->data->has('foo', 'default value');

$channel->data['foo'] ?? 'default value';

// see more examples here: https://github.com/chipslays/collection

🔹 Payload

The payload is the object that came from the client.

payload(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed

Get value from data.

$payload->get('foo', 'default value');

// can also use like:
$payload->data->get('foo', 'default value');
$payload->data['foo'] ?? 'default value';

is(string|array $rule, string $key): bool

Validate payload data.

See documenation & examples how to use.

$payload->is('StringType', 'username'); // return true if username is string
$payload->is(['contains', 'john'], 'username'); // return true if $payload->data['username'] contains 'john'



Is a id of event, for example, welcome message.

$payload->type; // string


An object of values passed from the client.

Object of chipslays/collection.

See documentation for more information how to manipulate this data.

$payload->data; // Collection

$payload->data->get('foo', 'default value');
$payload->data->has('foo', 'default value');

$payload->data['foo'] ?? 'default value';

// see more examples here: https://github.com/chipslays/collection

$payload->rules [protected]

Auto validate payload data on incoming event.

Available only in events as class.

use Porter\Server;
use Porter\Payload;
use Porter\Connection;
use Porter\Events\AbstractEvent;

return new class extends AbstractEvent
    public static string $type = 'hello to';

    protected array $rules = [
        'username' => ['stringType', ['length', [3, 18]]],

    public function handle(Connection $connection, Payload $payload, Server $server): void
        if (!$this->validate()) {
            $this->reply('bad request', ['errors' => $this->errors]);

        $username = $this->payload->data['username'];
        $this->reply(data: ['message' => "Hello, {$username}!"]);

🔹 Events

Events can be as a separate class or as an anonymous function.

Event class

Basic ping-pong example:

use Porter\Server;
use Porter\Payload;
use Porter\Events\AbstractEvent;
use Porter\Connection;

class Ping extends AbstractEvent
    public static string $type = 'ping';

    public function handle(Connection $connection, Payload $payload, Server $server): void

// and next you need add (register) this class to events:

NOTICE: The event class must have a handle() method.

This method handles the event. You can also create other methods.



Each child class get following properties:

  • Connection $connection - from whom the event came;
  • Payload $payload - contain data from client;
  • Server $server - server instance;
  • Collection $data - short cut for payload data (as &link).;

Magic properties & methods.

If client pass in data channel_i_d with channel id or target_id with id of connection, we got a magic properties and methods.

// this is a object of Channel, getted by `channel_id` from client.

$this->channel()->broadcast('new message', [
    'text' => $this->payload->get('text'),
    'from' => $this->connection->nickname,
// this is a object of Channel, getted by `target_id` from client.

$this->to($this->target, 'new message', [
    'text' => $this->payload->get('text'),
    'from' => $this->connection->nickname,


to(TcpConnection|Connection|array $connection, string $event, array $data = []): self

Send event to connection.

$this->to($connection, 'ping');
reply(string $event, array $data = []): ?bool

Reply event to incoming connection.


// analog for:
$this->to($this->connection, 'ping');

To reply with the current type, pass only the $data parameter.

On front-end:

client.send('hello to', {username: 'John Doe'}, payload => {
    console.log(payload.data.message); // Hello, John Doe!

On back-end:

$username = $this->payload->data['username'];
$this->reply(data: ['message' => "Hello, {$username}!"]);
raw(string $string): bool|null

Send raw data to connection. Not a event object.


// now client will receive just a 'ping', not event object.
broadcast(string $event, array $data = [], TcpConnection|Connection|array $excepts = []): void

Send event to all connections.

Yes, to all connections on server.

$this->broadcast('chat message', [
    'nickname' => 'John Doe',
    'message' => 'Hello World!',

Send event to all except for the connection from which the event came.

$this->broadcast('user join', [
    'text' => 'New user joined to chat.',
], [$this->connection]);

validate(): bool

Validate payload data.

Pass custom rules. Default use $rules class attribute.

Returns false if has errors.

if (!$this->validate()) {
    return $this->reply(/** ... */);

hasErrors(): bool

Returns true if has errors on validate payload data.

if ($this->hasErrors()) {
    return $this->reply('bad request', ['errors' => $this->errors]);
// $this->errors contains:

^ array:1 [
  "username" => array:1 [
    "length" => "username failed validation: length"

payload(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed

Yet another short cut for payload data.

public function handle(Connection $connection, Payload $payload, Server $server)

    // as property

    // form payload instance


Anonymous function

In anonymous function instead of $this, use $event.

use Porter\Events\Event;

server()->on('new message', function (Event $event) {
    // $event has all the same property && methods as in the example above

    $event->to($event->target, 'new message', [
        'text' => $this->payload->get('text'),
        'from' => $this->connection->nickname,

    $event->channel()->broadcast('new message', [
        'text' => $this->payload->get('text'),
        'from' => $this->connection->nickname,

🔹 TcpConnection|Connection $connection

It is a global object, changing in one place, it will contain the changed data in another place.

This object has already predefined properties:

See all $connection methods here.

You can set different properties, functions to this object.

$connection->firstName = 'John';
$connection->lastName = 'Doe';
$connection->getFullName = fn () => $connection->firstName . ' ' . $connection->lastName;

call_user_func($connection->getFullname); // John Doe

Custom property channels

$connection->channels; // object of Porter\Connection\Channels

List of methods Porter\Connection\Channels

 * Get connection channels.
 * @return Channel[]
public function all(): array
 * Get channels count.
 * @return int
public function count(): int
 * Method for when connection join to channel should detach channel id from connection.
 * @param string $channelId
 * @return void
public function delete(string $channelId): void
 * Leave all channels for this connection.
 * @return void
public function leaveAll(): void

NOTICE: On disconnect client connection will leave of all the channels where he was.

 * When connection join to channel should attach channel id to connection.
 * You don't need to use this method, it will automatically fire inside the class.
 * @param string $channelId
 * @return void
public function add(string $channelId): void

🔹 Client (PHP)

Simple implementation of client.

See basic example of client here.

__construct(string $host, array $context = [])

Create client.

$client = new Client('ws://localhost:3737');
$client = new Client('wss://example.com:3737');
setWorker(Worker $worker): void

Set worker.

NOTICE: Worker instance auto init in constructor. Use this method if you need to define worker with specific settings.

getWorker(): Worker

Get worker.

send(string $type, array $data = []): ?bool

Send event to server.

$client->on('ping', function (AsyncTcpConnection $connection, Payload $payload, Client $client) {
    $client->send('pong', ['time' => time()]);
raw(string $payload): ?bool

Send raw payload to server.

$client->raw('simple message');
onConnected(callable $handler): void

Emitted when a socket connection is successfully established.

$client->onConnected(function (AsynTcpConnection $connection) {
onDisconnected(callable $handler): void

Emitted when the server sends a FIN packet.

$client->onDisconnected(function (AsynTcpConnection $connection) {
onError(callable $handler): void

Emitted when an error occurs with connection.

$client->onError(function (AsyncTcpConnection $connection, $code, $message) {
onRaw(callable $handler): void

Handle non event messages (raw data).

$client->onRaw(function (string $payload, AsyncTcpConnection $connection) {
    if ($payload == 'ping') {
on(string $type, callable $handler): void

Event handler as callable.

$client->on('pong', function (AsyncTcpConnection $connection, Payload $payload, Client $client) {
listen(): void

Connect to server and listen.


🔹 Storage

Storage is a part of server, all data stored in flat files.

To get started you need set a path where files will be stored.

server()->storage()->load(__DIR__ . '/server-storage.data'); // you can use any filename

You can get access to storage like property or method:


NOTICE: Set path only after if you booting server by (server()->boot($worker) method, Storage::class can use anywhere and before booting server.

WARNING: If you not provide path or an incorrect path, data will be stored in RAM. After server restart you lose your data.


// as standalone use without server
$store1 = new Porter\Storage(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file1');
$store2 = new Porter\Storage(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file2');
$store3 = new Porter\Storage(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file3');

load(?string $path = null): self

server()->storage()->load(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file'); // you can use any filename

put(string $key, mixed $value): void

server()->storage()->put('foo', 'bar');

get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed

server()->storage()->get('foo', 'default value'); // foo
server()->storage()->get('baz', 'default value'); // default value

remove(string ...$keys): self

server()->storage()->remove('foo'); // true

has(string $key): bool

server()->storage()->has('foo'); // true
server()->storage()->has('baz'); // false

filename(): string

Returns path to file.


🔹 Helpers (functions)

server(): Server


// will be like:
use Porter\Server;

worker(): Worker


// will be like:
use Porter\Server;

channel(string $id, string|array $key = null, mixed $default = null): mixed

$channel = channel('secret channel'); // get channel instance
$channel = server()->channel('secret channel');
$channel = server()->channels()->get('secret channel');

💡 See all helpers here.

🔹 Mappable methods (Macros)

You can extend the class and map your own methods on the fly..

Basic method:

server()->map('sum', fn(...$args) => array_sum($args));
echo server()->sum(1000, 300, 30, 5, 2); // 1337
echo server()->sum(1000, 300, 30, 5, 3); // 1338

As singletone method:

server()->mapOnce('timestamp', fn() => time());
echo server()->timestamp(); // e.g. 1234567890
echo server()->timestamp(); // e.g. 1234567890

🔹 Front-end

There is also a small class for working with websockets on the client side.

if (location.hostname == '' || location.hostname == 'localhost') {
    const ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${location.hostname}:3737`); // on local dev
} else {
    const ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${location.hostname}:3737`); // on vps with ssl certificate

// options (optional, below default values)
let options = {
    pingInterval: 30000, // 30 sec.
    maxBodySize: 1e+6, // 1 mb.

const client = new Porter(ws, options);

// on client connected to server
client.connected = () => {
    // code...

// on client disconected from server
client.disconnected = () => {
    // code...

// on error
client.error = () => {
    // code...

// on raw `pong` event (if you needed it)
client.pong = () => {
    // code...

// close connection

// event handler
client.on('ping', payload => {
    // available properties

    console.log(payload.data.foo) // bar

// send event to server
client.send('pong', {
    foo: 'bar',

// chain methods
client.send('ping').on('pong', payload => console.log(payload.type));

// send event and handle answer in one method
client.send('get online users', {/* ... */}, payload => {
    console.log(payload.type); // contains same event type 'get online users'
    console.log(payload.data.online); // and server answer e.g. '1337 users'

// pass channel_id and target_id for magic properties on back-end server
client.send('magical properties example', {
    channel_id: 'secret channel',
    target_id: 1337,

    // on backend php websocket server we can use $this->channel and $this->target magical properties.

// send raw websocket data
client.raw.send('hello world');

// send raw websocket data as json
    foo: 'bar',

// handle raw websocket data from server
client.raw.on('hello from server', data => {
    console.log(data); // hello from server

// dont forget start listen websocket server!

Used by

  • naplenke.online — The largest online cinema in Russia. Watching movies together.

