
an i3wm status bar alternative

Primary LanguageShell


an i3wm status bar alternative



the last line of the script is my current status bar configuration, it use:

function comment
${USER} be proud of yourself, display your username!
$(upd) countdown to the next lolstat update (in second)
$(disk "path" "name") disk usage, specify a path and an optional display name
$(io "partition") volume input/output, specify a /dev/ partition
$(cpu) cpu speed and charge
$(ram) ram usage
$(netw) display all networks currently in use (except lo
$(url "url" "name") ping the specified url (happyface when ping<100ms)
$(weather) current weather based on your geolocalized IP
$(clock) time!
$(power) your current battery status (if ACPI is available)
$(mixer "channel") current sound mixer channel volume (generally Master)


  1. copy lolstat to your i3 config directory (usually ~/.i3/)

  2. create and save an i3status.sh file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
i3status -c ~/.i3/i3status.conf | while read line; do ~/.i3/lolstat 2>/dev/null || exit 1; done
  1. add lolstat font to your local fonts:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
cp lolstat.ttf ~/.local/share/fonts
  1. edit your ~/.i3/config file and update the status_command line as following:
bar {
  font pango:lolstat 20
  status_command ~/.i3/i3status.sh
  1. reload your i3wm ($mod+shift+r) setup and it's done! \:D/


if you encounter some bugs on your computer, email me the output of the following command:
